Part 8 - Cylinder

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Bold = Ender or just the written language

Regular = just English

implied injuries, death

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"Skyla, I'm serious, I heard something." Pyon was sure he'd heard something for the past five minutes. "Like an intruder or something!"

"No one's here. Shut up unless something actually happens," Skyla hissed, she was that close to biting Pyon. They were sitting by the portal. They were stuck on guarding duty with each other. Kings order.

"Me? You shut up too!!"

"You can't tell me what to do!"

The Endermen continued to bicker. Until they heard whispering. Not in Ender.

"Skyla shut up, I hear something."

"...I hear it too."

Pyon and Skyla looked at each other, confused. Then they turned to where the voices were coming from. A thick flower bush. Pyon began approaching. After a few moments, Skyla watching him return holding Ranboo and that human by the gruff of their necks.

"H-h-hey, uh, Skyla," Ranboo offered anxiously.

"Where the hell were you? With some damn human fucking around the End!" She exploded.

"Heh well uhm- funny thing about that-" Pyon threw both on the ground, interrupting the hybrid prince. Ranboo tried to get up but Skyla ended up grabbing him by the horn and pulled him up.

Ranboo attempted to look back, he saw his crown lying there, and he saw Tommy, too. He was stumbling upwards, holding his right arm at an awkward angle with blood pouring out. He was clearly trying his hardest not to scream out.

"Tommy! Tommy watch out-" Ranboo started, but it was too late. Pyon had grabbed him by the neck, too close to his arm for comfort and he nearly bit him. But the Enderman jabbed him near the spine with a silver cylinder about the size of a lighter.

He passed out after a few moments, and Pyon caught him, before letting him fall back on the ground back onto his bad arm. Skyla was still holding Ranboo with a hand on his horn. He started to panic, knowing what that thing was, what it could do.

Ranboo sat on his throne, next to his father as he watched him make decisions on various cases. He watched as this Enderman was shoved in, and as she was shoved on the ground, shouting slurs and and swears. He learned several words that day and the King wasn't too pleased about that.

After thirty or so minutes, Ranboo was intrigued. He watched the Enderman fight, trying to get free, and soon she did. When she did, she ran over to Ranboo, and she grabbed him.

Ranboo started panicking. He remembered that no one was sure what to do. But he saw one of the guards approach slowly. He pulled out that thing, that damn cylinder, and he stabbed her in the back.

She died.

Ranboo was pulled aside about a week later when guards were starting to notice that he was avoiding them. Probably because of that. He was told that she died because the poison it held worked its' way into the spinal cord and ended up killing her. It shouldn't do that.

The guard explained that it just knocked someone out for about a day.

But Ranboo still was sceptical. He got all weird when he saw one, or when he felt that someone might bring it out. Everyone who was aware of this knew that that moment must've fucked him up.

Pyon had the brilliant idea to take advantage of this.

"Hey– hey! You uhm you don't need to do that sir, uhm its not a big deal! I can just uhm-" Ranboo stumbled, he began trying to back away but Skyla kept a grip of him.

"Don't squirm. Heh, I may end up hurting you, your highness," Pyon hissed, he rose the thing above his head then stabbed it into the prince's wrist, which Skyla was holding out.

Ranboo tried to fight it, he did. He started panicking, but panic faded. It faded along with his sight, blurring and morphing. He stumbled, backwards and forwards and then he fell against the wall. He failed to keep himself together as his eyelids became more and more heavy, and his body and thoughts seemed more and more distant.

He couldn't muster the strength to keep himself up, to move his arms. Now he can't keep his eyes open, and he couldn't keep his thoughts in his head. He couldn't keep himself awake with sheer will-power as he hoped. He tried, he really did. But he failed.

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