Part 10 - Fraud Prince

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Bold = Ender or just the written language

Regular = just English

Broken arm, these kids talking about their screwed up lives, swearing

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His eyes were finally light enough. Ranboo blinked several times, propping himself up lightly. A dungeon cell, this time he was inside of it. He looked around, and saw Tommy. He was laid on his left side, and the right arm still looked fucked.

The bone was sticking out and the white was bloody red. He didn't dare look closer, he didn't dare try to touch him. He tried to focus on something else, anything else, but he couldn't think of anything to focus on.

After a few moments, he stood himself up and walked to the bars. He caught a glance of his reflection in a puddle on the floor. No crown, chipped horn. He brushed passed it and called, "Hello? Is someone over here? This guy's arm is broken or something!"

No one arrived.

Ranboo picked up a fist of pebbles and threw them at the wall, swearing in a mix of Ender and English. He started kicking it now, too. If he got out of here, he doubted it would be alive. All he could do now was wait. For Tommy to wake up. For someone to help him. For an opportunity to leave this place.

He began pacing the cell, his extended claws were dragging across the wall, leaving small indents in the stone after a while. It was about three hours later and nothing had happened.


His eyes flicked over to Tommy. He was pale and his eye was twitching, he was trying to get up but his right arm was his dominant one, and that made it difficult for him. His arm looked stiff, his chest was rising and falling lightly, and he was responding slowly.

"Are you okay?"

"T-the hell do you t-think?" Ranboo watched Tommy for a few moments. He kneeled down in front of Tommy who was now struggling to sit up. Ranboo helped him and started observing his arm.

Ranboo rolled up the sleeve and looked at it. The bone was poking out from the shoulder like it had snapped and was put off enough from a fall to push it out of the skin, which was black and blue. It was an extremely bloody sight. Ranboo touched some of the bruised area and the blond jerked away. "Bitch!"

"Sorry! Sorry," Ranboo muttered, sliding back.

He sighed and bit the inside of his cheek. "...How's it-t look?"

"You're going to need some medicine or something," remarked Ranboo. "B-but don't panic! I think that makes it worse. Just- uhm- w-w-we'll get you home a-a-and someone there will take care of you!"



"These plans are getting more and more... obscure. Like they're all so far-fetched now."

Ranboo didn't say anything for a few moments, shutting his eyes instead of looking at Tommy. His ears were twitching and so were his fingers. He finally said something soon. "Because I don't know what else I should say. I-i-it just seems like saying nothing is wrong but the truth isn't right. I don't... I don't lie a lot, Tommy. Just little white lies, just because it makes people feel better, just because the truth is... I don't know."

"...Well, at least you're trying to protect people. My family just blindly says shit and they don't give a fuck how people react to it," Tommy said. Ranboo ended up sitting next to him against the wall as he continued talking, "M-my mum died when I was younger. My older brother had taken me out to the forest. Hunting I think. So when I came back, my dad was- he was crying on the roof and I could see him and hear him. I never even knew he cried, then my oldest brother told me that she was dead. He said that she was dead and he didn't do shit when I started crying because he thought it was a good idea to show me the body. I was six."

Tommy and Ranboo continued a softly spoken conversation about their lives, and mostly the bad things that happened to them. A part that Tommy barely hit was his older brother who was killed by an Enderman. Ranboo was going to pry a teensy bit.

But they were interrupted.

"Ah well if it isn't the Fraud Prince." Pyon. Ranboo looked up, his body was tensing as he began trying to put distance between him and that bitch.

"What the hell do you want?"

"Checking in with you. I wanted to see what happened to that fucker's arm. Looks like a dragon couldn't have done much more damage." Pyon's gaze flicked to Tommy, and the blond jerked away as if scared that he would do something again.

"Why won't you just help him?"

"Simply curious. I don't think thats worth punishment." Pyon laughed obnoxiously and said, "Oh I do believe you said that-"

"I know what I said, shut the hell up!"

Pyon smirked, leaning into the cell. "Ranboo, Ranboo, Ranboo. The Fraud Prince. No one talks to me like that."

Ranboo hesitated, taking a few steps back. He balled his fist and whined up as he quickly approached Pyon, then flew his fist into the Enderman's face.

Pyon stumbled backwards, in shock, holding his nose where thick purple blood was flowing down through his spread fingers. He was surprised before slamming against the bars, he grabbed Ranboo's collar and pulled him close, about an inch away from his face.

Tommy tried to scramble up, "Ranboo! Are you okay? The hell did you do?"

"I punched him!" Ranboo exclaimed happily.

"You fucking bitch! Just because the King thinks you're his son or whatever, doesn't mean that I won't beat the shit out of you and feed you to the dragons," Pyon growled.

He let go and began towards the lock, trying to get it open but the idiot couldn't get it open before Skyla had silently snuck behind him.

"Pyon, you can't fight them," Skyla remarked smoothly. She swiped the key from him and hung it back on the key ring. "You aren't supposed to fight death row prisoners."

"W-what are they saying?" Tommy asked. He was sort of freaked out by the way Ranboo's eyes widened and he went kind of pale.

"That... we're death row prisoners."

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