Part 4 - Responsibility

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Bold = Ender (or its just the actual written language)

Regular = English

warning for a little bit of swearing :)

- /★\ -

Ranboo found himself in the dungeon. Four Endermen guards were making sure that Tommy was staying inside the cell, but he put up a hell of a fight, doing everything he could to make sure it didn't happen.

"Ranboo you ass! Help me!! You fucking bitch!" He was calling. The prince hybrid just kind of kept himself away, trying something else to occupy his mind but nothing seemed to push through.

Finally, two managed to hold him in place, the other two closed the door mostly and it turned into the game of Get-to-the-Door-Before-The-Thing-You're-Trying-to-Keep-In-The-Room. The Endermen won and there was scattered applause for themselves and high-fives.

Three out of four left. The last stood there then leaned against a wall, holding his ax and fidgeting it. Ranboo knew she couldn't understand him, but he still found it uncomfortable for her to be standing there.

"Hey, you don't need to stay here, you know. I'm sure there's other stuff you could be doing," commented Ranboo, now he was looking at the guard.

"Would love to leave, but it's the king's word," she replied.

"That's really important, then?"

"Well, darling, there's actually a risk with us doing something wrong. Say, you could have a dragon and he'd be fine with it."

"Heh, uh well, who would have a dragon- t-thats- crazy!" Hey, Ranboo never said he was a good liar.

She raised an eyebrow, scoffing. "You need to learn to lie better, kiddo. Tell you what, just don't involve me in any crazy plans you got lined up, ay?"

Ranboo smiled.

Tommy was already fucking bored. It was apparent he wouldn't be getting out of there any time soon. He sighed, resting one elbow on the bar and sticking his arm out the other, staring at the two Endermen. He watched like he was trying to understand their language.

"⊬⟒⏃, ⍜⎎ ☊⍜⎍⍀⌇⟒."

The guard smiled at Ranboo, she left her key on a hook across from Tommy with her ax under it. "⎅⍜⋏'⏁ ⏚⌰⍜⍙ ⏁⊑⟒ ⌿⌰⏃☊⟒ ⎍⌿, ☍⟟⎅⎅⍜. ⏁⍀⎍⌇⏁⟟⋏☌ ⊬⏃."

Ranboo sighed, he turned and faced Tommy. The blond just kind of stared back. He didn't want to talk to Ranboo and he wanted him to know that. He wanted Ranboo to be aware that this was his fault, that he ended up here. He wanted Ranboo to know that he had a brother and a dad probably waiting for him at home.

...Given they weren't actually relieved he was gone. As much as he didn't want to admit it, Tommy was a horrible little kid: he was petty and annoying and he would fight anything. He was better off in a cell in the End. Of course they didn't want him back-

Tommy didn't notice how physically upset he was getting, he didn't realize he was starting to pace around his cell, basically stomping. He brought himself back and stopped, now he was against the wall furthest away from Ranboo, staring at him.

The prince was watching Tommy curiously. He didn't say anything, but he watched. Not even in a creepy way but in a caring way. He seemed patient. He just wanted to help Tommy. Why? Why was Ranboo so determined to help him?

Tommy voiced this.

"Because you're a living, breathing being who can't survive in a place like this. It's my fault you're here, so it's by responsibility to get you out of here."

"That's bullshit, why are you actually helping me?"

"That's it, that's the reason. There's no- underlying reason. I just feel... well bad because it is my fault you ended up here, now isn't it?"

Tommy watched him for a few more moments. "You're a bitch, you know. Just go do something."


"Fuck off!!" Tommy whined. Ranboo hesitated for a moment, then he walked out of the dungeon back somewhere else.

⋔⟟⌇⌇⟟⋏☌ ⌿⍀⟟⋏☊⟒, ⋔⟟⌇⌇⟟⋏☌ ⊑⎍⋔⏃⋏Where stories live. Discover now