Part 14 - Overworld

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Bold = Ender or just the written language

Regular = just English

Swearing and dead family members

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Ranboo's feet touched the ground and the sweet smells began to overwhelm him. He took a deep breath and fashioned the King's crown onto his head. He smiled and began walking. He got up to the tundra's harsh weather on the surface, with the stronghold where the portal lied, set in stone.

He wandered a few feet before he heard something from the trees. "Ranboo! Oi, get over here!"

The Enderman hybrid spun on his heel to see Tommy, excitedly waving his left hand. There was a brunette, similar looking enough that Ranboo thought they might be brothers, but he was examining Tommy's arm. He must have touched the wrong thing because before Tommy could try to introduce him to Ranboo, he shouted a long string of swears, some of which Ranboo wasn't aware of until now.

"Tommy, shut the hell up!" the brunette exclaimed, "I'm trying to fucking help you. Your arm is broken and it looks like shit!!"

Ranboo hesitated for a moment. "Well he fell from about six or seven feet on stone onto his arm. It sat for a few days."

The brunette looked up at him, a bit confused. "...What the-"

"Yea that's Ranboo. I think he's the only reason I'm alive right now. Then again that bitch is what got me into this," he said, half joking. "Oh, Ranboo, that's Wilbur, he's my brother."

"Tommy, that's an Enderman-"

"Technically he's a hybrid," Tommy said, grinning.

"You know..."

Ranboo watched the two go back and forth. He remembered Tommy telling him about his other brother.

The three began towards the house. Ranboo slightly remembered the house. He vaguely remembered the old Elytrain standing there.

"Phil!" Wilbur called. "Tommy's back, he brought someone with him!!"

The Elytrain was quickly outside, but he froze when he saw Ranboo. Philza stood there for a few moments. "You were the one in my dream."


"You were in my dream. You helped my son."

Tommy looked to Philza to Ranboo. "Y-yea, well he did."

"...Then, I think I should welcome you to my home," Philza said.

"First Tommy needs medical attention," Wilbur pointed out. "His arm is broken."

The father hesitated before letting all three into his home. The three went upstairs to help Tommy's arm, Ranboo was left downstairs and he heard the occasional scream or shout or swear.

Ranboo's eyes caught on the mantle of a fireplace. There were family photos. The oldest one was a toddler version of Wilbur, a much younger version of Philza, a black-haired well dressed woman, and a piglin who only had half of his left ear. The next was a few years later. Now the woman was gone and a small child was there, Tommy. The next seemed a lot more recent. It was just Philza, Tommy, and Wilbur. There were several other photos, one was taken each year it looked. 

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