Part 3 - Interpreter

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Bold = Ender (or its just the actual written language)

Regular = English

warning for a little bit of swearing :)

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Ranboo was in the throne room. It had large, tall ceilings and long windows stretching around them. There were banners, purple with a green eye on them. And there were two thrones. The larger of one, his father was sitting on, and the smaller was the one Ranboo sat on. They were three steps physically above the rest of the room, where a few other various severants and what not sat, willing to watch the cases brought up and how the King and Prince solved it.

Ranboo didn't like getting to decide stuff like this. He didn't know anything, and he barely got to. Not to mention that the King was largely influenced by the bystanders, watching and waiting for a show. Every case was rigged against the decent people just trying to get by. He hated being a part of it. So he leaned towards the window, his face resting on his hand as he watched people bustling in the city below.

Until he heard it.

"Ranboo! You fucking bitch!"

"No one understands you, shut it!"

"You bitch! Tell them to get off me!!"

He looked up. Two guards had Tommy. One had her hand in his hair to try to control him, and the other was trying to push him down on one knee as it was customary. Tommy kept fighting back though, demanding help and shouting in pain and swearing. Ranboo perked up and watched Tommy. Does he know that nobody else can understand him?

"Tommy, be quiet and stop fighting them! No one else speaks this and they can overpower you easily. Just stop before you get hurt," Ranboo hissed, sitting up right. A few eyes flicked towards him, maybe they forgot he spoke it, maybe they didn't expect him to respond, maybe they were suspicious of him of treason. It didn't matter.

"That is the human that was sneaking around this place?" asked the King. The guards nodded, one forced Tommy's head further down. Why?

Anxiously, Ranboo began tapping a finger. He was watching Tommy closely.

"Ranboo," his father said. He looked up. "Figure out what it's doing here."

Ranboo stood up and walked over to Tommy. He waved for the guards to get off him, it took a few moments for them to agree and move. He crouched down and said, "Tommy, I think you're going to be going to a dungeon."

"Ranboo you bitch!! You let me get caught! You let this happen!" Tommy was sick of watching Ranboo have repercussions for his actions. He started trying to get up, but the guard pushed him back down and harder, making Tommy shout in pain.

"Get off him, you're going to hurt him," Ranboo hissed. The guard didn't move. "I thought I gave you a command?"

After a few moments, the guard hastily let go, his motion made Tommy fall forward. Ranboo caught him by the arm and pulled him back up. "Tommy, I have a reputation to keep and... this means nothing to you."

"Finally something you're right about."

"What does it want, Ranboo?" asked his father.

"Well he saw that the portal was open (I said you should at least turn it off even though it's underground) and he thought it was a good idea to sneak in and see what's here. Curiosity. I don't think that's grounds to punish."

"And what does it know?"

"Nothing. He doesn't even speak Ender, he doesn't know where he even is."

The King looked around at everyone. Ranboo had a feeling that the people around would affect his decision. That was most likely the truth, and Ranboo hated that.

"Keep it in the dungeon. Then we will figure out if we will kill it or send it back. Ranboo, follow it, you're the interpreter."

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