Part 13 - Crown

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Bold = Ender or just the written language

Regular = just English

I don't think this chapter needs any tws but if you think it does feel free to correct me :D

- /★\ -

The stone courtyard was filled with the buzz of everyone whispering. It went silent as soon as Tommy and Ranboo were brought in, the King right behind them. Tommy was so happy, besides for the shooting pain that would come across his face sometimes. He finally got to go home, and get help.

Through sheer luck, he got to go home. Everything worked out.

Ranboo couldn't say the same about himself. He was being exiled from his home. Better than being killed. But he was always an outsider! He was ostracized, he might as well have been exiled.

Ranboo watched Toxin fly overhead, her deep growl rumbled the air but in reality it was nothing more than an empty threat. He wished that was all this exile was. Or even a temporary punishment. But there was no way it wouldn't be permanent.

Soon, Tommy jumped through the portal, at an awkward angle so he didn't hurt his arm more.

Ranboo approached the portal.

"Hey, before I go," Ranboo said. He was going out with a bang. "Where did my crown go?" He turned to face the crowd rather than the portal.

"I think it was melted for resources," Pyon hissed. "Hurry up and just get out of here."

"Hm, well I think I'll just say my goodbyes, then," Ranboo said.

His eyes flicked to his father and he took a step closer. Not for any sort of paternal expression of love, but simply because a prince needs a crown. A good show for these people clearly so desperate to get one. If they want one so badly, he can deliver.

So he took the King's crown. He fashioned it to his head as he jumped into the portal, not before flipping everyone and everything off, laughing.

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