Chapter 1: Backstory

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Y/n is a 16 year old Werewolf/Psycic hybrid.
Y/n doesn't really have control over his abilities and has severe anger issues.
He's pretty introverted and only has 2 friends he talks to at school.

He has a brother that just started at the same school that is 3 years younger.


Y/n pov

Me and my brother were walking to school since we only lived 10 minutes away.

We were just talking about lessons and our lives.
My brother wasn't like me and didn't have any powers, atleast not that we know off.

"You ready?" I aks
"No." he said chuckling.
"Don't worry it's not that bad just keep your head down and don't talk to the popular kids." i said.

"Noted." he said grabbing his phone.
"Please don't you know do your 'anger issues transformation'." My brother said chuckling slightly.
"Don't worry i'm seeing a therapist that is helping me." i said patting him on the back.
"You're really scary when you're angry." he said.

"Yea..." I said.
The rest of the walk was quiet and shortly after we arrived.
As we walked in everybody was in a bad mood since it was a monday and nobody wanted to be here.

"Where's your first class?" i ask.
"Uh let me check." he said looking at his scedule.
"Uh it says math 308." he said.

"Alright i'll take you, i make a habit of coming late." i said with a smile.
As we were walking to his class suddenly a group of girls started walking infront of us and were not in a hurry.
"Might as well just stand still." i said annoyed.
"Cmon it's not that bad." my brother said.
"I beg to differ." i said rolling my eyes and walking past them.
After 5 more minutes my brother walked into his classroom.
After that i left and headed to my class.

"Y/n you're 2 minutes late." my teacher said.
"It's not like you did anything inportant in those 2 minutes." i said walking to my seat.
"I don't appreciate your tone Y/n." she said sternly.

I just rolled my eyes and grabbed my text book.

"Y/n, answer me when i'm talking to you." she said slightly raising her voice.
I was starting to get angry and tried one of the tricks my therapist told me.
And it was working until one of the soccer players had to comment..

"Hey weirdo mommy didn't raise you to act that way." he said causing the rest of the team to laugh.

'Everybody better be quiet or i'm actually going to lose it..'

"Y/n this attitude had scored you detention." my teacher said.
This was the final straw and i lost it.

I quickly put my text book in my back pack and stood up to leave.

"Y/n the lesson isn't over sit back down." my teacher said.
"Can you just shut up?" i ask annoyed trying my hardest to stay calm.
"That is no way to adress a teacher! The principle's office now!" she ordered.
"You know what i have had it with you. You're just a fucking bitch who takes out her anger on her students because her marriage is failing and you know you're husband is fucking other woman." i said raising my voice.
"Y/N don't speak to me like that! Leave my classroom!" she yelled.
"No i'm done listening to you!" i said standing infront of the door.

"Y/n if you don't get out right now i'm calling your dad and telling him how much of a dissapointment you are!" my teacher yelled.
"You know what go ahead! I don't fucking care!" i said punching the window on the door.
Ofcourse the window had to break..

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