Chapter 17: Revenge

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Ever since Ajax helped me out in the gym we started to actually get along.
We had started hanging out more often and we actually became gym bro's since i had no clue what i was doing and he actually is used to working out.
And he also respected me for caring this much about Enid.
He still had something for Enid and it was obvious, but he was able to put it aside and actually hang out with us without being jealous.
I was quiet happy since he was actually a nice guy to hang out.

I was currently in the gym with Ajax again and we were kinda messing around not really doing something serious.
I don't want to sound like i'm up my own ass but i have gotten much stronger since the first time i went to the gym which gave me motivation to keep going.
Just as we were messing around we suddenly heard a loud bang coming from down the hall.

We looked at eachother in confusion for a second before we eventually stopped what we were doing and walked out into the hallway.
"You are seeing this aswel right?" i ask pointing to the cause.
"Yea..." Ajax replied.
I just kept staring at Wednesday as she was chasing Xavier with a pan occasionally swinging at him.

"Should we help him?" i ask turning to Ajax.
"Nah he's fine." he replied walking back inside.

I looked back one final time before following him in.
"Alright, do you want to call it for the day or keep going for a little while longer?" he aks.
"Uhhh how about 20 more minutes." i suggested.
"Sure works for me." he replied with a smile.
We then worked out for another 20 minutes until we both couldn't do it any longer.
"I-i think we should take a break." i said panting heavily.
"Y-yea.. Good plan." Ajax says also heavily panting.

We headed out seperate ways towards out dorm rooms.
On my way i saw Enid talking with some friends on the quad and how bad i wanted to go over and say hi i stopped myself because i probably smell like shit.
'I'll shower first'

After my shower i put on some fresh clothes and headed down to the quad to say hi to Enid.
Sadly once i got to the quad Enid was nowhere to be seen..
'Hmmm she's probably in her dorm.'

With that i headed over to her dorm.
However once i got to her dorm the only person present was Wednesday..
"Hey Wednesday have you seen Enid anywhere?" i ask 

"She's at the quad talking with Yoko, Divina and Kent." she said not even looking away from her typewriter.

"She isn't i checked." i replied annoyed.

"Then i don't know where she is." she said in her monotone voice.
"Really helpfull..." i said scoffing and rolling my eyes.
Wednesday didn't like this since she stood up and walked over with a not so friendly look on her face.
"Dare to repeat that?" she said getting up in my face.
'No Y/n don't let your intrusive thoughts win, your dating Enid...'


Suddenly i couldn't think straight anymore and without thinking i bent down connecting my lips with Wednesday's..
'for fucks sake Y/n...'

Suddenly i was pushed agains a wall..
"What made you think that was a good idea?" she asks anger clearly present in her voice.
"I-i don't know... It just happend." i replied.
"You're in a relationship with Enid why did that even cross your mind?" she asked still sounding frustrated.

"Look you can't blame me, when a pretty ass girl gets in your face that's just a natural response to have!" i argued.
'That isn't an excuse Y/n you fucking idiot...'

"Look i'm so-" I said but was cut off by Wednesday's lips connecting with mine again..
'What the fuck is going on right now?'

Just then i heard a gasp...
"WHAT THE FUCK Y/N!" a female voice yelled from across the room.
'Shit shit shit shit..'

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