Chapter 7: Parents weekend

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 I woke up the next day feeling something warm next to me.
As i look down i see Enid laying down and sleeping next to me.
I just smiled seeing this.
I couldn't resist and took a photo.
As i look up i can see Xavier staring at me with a smile.
Suddenly my phone buzzed.
As i look at it i receive a message from Xavier..
"Enjoyed your night? ;)"

As i read this message i just looked at him annoyed.
Xavier suddenly left probably going towards his art shed.
I didn't mind tho this gave me some alone time with Enid.

I was just scrolling in my phone when suddenly Enid woke up.
"Goodmorning." i said with a smile.
She just smiles and kisses me.
She then walked into the bathroom to get ready.
As i was looking for my uniform my phone suddnely buzzed..
As i look at it i see a notification telling me it's parents weekend.
"Shit.." i mutter to myself.
After a couple more minutes of looking i finally find my uniform.

Just then Enid came out.
"Are you ready for parents weekend?" i ask as i grab my uniform.

"W-wait that's today?" she asks sounding worried, scared and annoyed at the same time.
"Yea i just got a notification." i answered walking into the bathroom.

After 20 minutes i walked out seeing Enid sitting on the couch deep in thought.
"What are you thinking about?" i ask sitting next to her.
"Just about  ways to deal with my mom." she said sounding sad.
"Why?" i ask confused.
"Well since i can't wolf out yet she sees me as a dissapointment and makes it known." she said looking down at the floor.
"Hey don't let her get to you. In my eyes you're perfect." i said hugging her.
"Thank you." she said softly.
After a few more minutes of mental preparations we headed down to the quad.
"Well if you need me you know where to find me." i said hugging her one final time.
"Yep... Thank you." she said before walking over to her parents.
I just smiled and walked over to my parents.
"There's my boy!" my father said excited.
Both my parents stood up and hugged me.
"We're sorry but your brother couldn't make it he had exams." my mother said pulling away.

"No worries i'll call him when his exams are over." i said with a smile slightly dissapointed.
After that we all sat down and started talking about what had happend since we last saw eachother.

As i was talking to my parents i looked over to Enid's table from time to time just to be sure her mother wasn't being too hard on her.
As i saw she was doing alright i turned back to my table.
"Son who is it you keep looking at?" my father asks.
"J-just one of my classmates." i said.
"Awww does our little Y/n have a crush?" my mother asked with a smile.
"N-no it's not that..." i said.
"Then why do you keep staring at your classmate?" my mother asks.
"Because i'm dating them.." i said trying to hide a smile.
My parents' mouths were open out of shock.

"Y-you finally managed to get a girlfriend?" my mother asks excited.
I just nodded with a slight grin.

"I'm so proud of you honey!" my mother said grabbing me and hugging me tight.
"Mind telling us which girl it is?" my father asks.
"I guess." i said looking back at Enid's table.

As i was about to point to her she looked... Sad..

"Hold on i'll be right back." i said standing up and walking over to her side but not into her parent's view.
"Need a minute?" i show her my phone.
She just nods and stands up.
She dragged me to corridor to make sure we were alone.

Before i could even say anything Enid hugged me like it was her last day on earth.
"Enid are you ok?" i ask worried.
"No..." she says as i feel my shoulder get wet..

After a few minutes Enid pulls away and she has tears in her eyes.
"What happend?" i ask frustrated.
"My mother keeps telling me i'm a dissapointment and she wants to send we tp conversion therapy.." she said with tears rolling down her cheeks.
I just hugged her again not really knowing what to say.
"I don't want to go to conversion therapy.." she said crying.
"Don't worry i won't let them take you if you don't want to." i said.
After 5 more minutes Enid had regained herself and we went back outside.
I headed back to my familly making sure to look back before reaching them.
After that i told my parents all about Enid and my parents really wanted to meet her.
"Maybe tomorrow today isn't really a good day." i said not wanting to make Enid uncomfortable.
"Ofcourse we want her to be comfortable." my father said with a smile.

As i was talking with my parents suddnely sheriff Galpin walked in..

Lucky for me they didn't come for me and my familly but they walked over to Wednesday's table.
They eventually arrested her father leaving her entire familly shocked.
Me and Enid were now also staring at eachother confused.
The rest of the day went relatively normal.

As the parents were walking out i walked over to Enid who was currently hugging her father.
I just waited a few feet away making sure not to startle her.
After a minute her father left and followed her mother.
"So how did it go?" i ask.
"Well i guess it was better then the start." she said chuckling.

"Poor thing." i said grabbing her and hugging her.
We decided we wanted to watch yet another movie and headed up to my dorm.
I knew the chances of us falling asleep was high so i already put on my pajamas.
We sat down on the couch snuggling under some warm blankets and turning on the movie.
But unlike my prediction we didn't fall asleep.
"Hey do you want some snacks? i'm getting some downstairs." she asked standing up.
"I'll just take some popcorn." i said with a smile leaning back against the couch.

I guess Enid was hungry since she got back only 5 minutes after she left.
We watched another movie?
"This time though i was right and Enid fell asleep hallfway through.

Seeing her asleep i turned off the movie and just layed down.
After about 5 minutes i joined Enid in the great place known as sleep.

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