Chapter 15: Hangout gone wrong

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We were walking the entire group forgot about the little incident except 1..

"Are you sure you're ok? You didn't seem like yourself back there.." Enid said for the 5th time.
"Enid, like i said i just had a little chat with him and he won't bother you anymore." i said with a smirk growing on my face.
"Y/n you had a sadistic smile on your face and Derrick ran away looking like you just withnessed a murder.." she said.

'His name is Derrick huh.. Noted.'

  "Y/n please don't do that creepy stare.." Enid said breaking me from my small trance.

"Oh sorry was just thinking about something.." i said unknowingly smiling.
"Y/n sometimes i think you are related to Wednesday." She said.
"Who knows she might be extended familly." i said.
The rest of the walk though was normal since we all just kinda forgot about it.

After a few more hours we decided to find a place for dinner and also our legs were about to die.
We eventually found a diner which looked promising.
We all sat down at a table and waited to served.

When the waiter finally arrived i already didn't like him since he started hitting on Enid..
"Can we order now?" i ask annoyed.
"Oh yes ofcourse what would you like?" he asks with a smile.
'Damn i want to punch him right now.'

Everybody ordered and the waited then left not before shoving one more compliment down Enid's throat.

"I don't like that guy." i said the moment he left.
"Why? He seems great." Enid said confused.
"I just... I have a bad feeling about him." i said not wanting to admit i was jealous.
"You sure Y/n? I think there is another reason." Ajax said.

'For fucks sake Ajax not now.'

"I-i don't know what you mean." i said playing dumb.
"Cmon Y/n, we all know the reall reason." Bianca chimed in.

"Clearly not. I don't know." i said.
"Y/n, the only reason you're acting like this right now is because your ego would get hurt if you didn't." Bianca said rolling her eyes.
"Do you know what they are talking about?" i ask Enid.
"I think i do." she said with a grin.


"W-well whatever your all thinking is wrong.." i said feeling my face heat up.
"So you're not jealous of the waiter hitting on Enid?" Ajax blurts out.
"W-what o-ofcourse not." i said scoffing.

Just then the food arrived saving me from the question.

We started eating and luckily the subject changed.
Just as we were about to leave a familiar face walked into the diner...

'How the hell is he here?'

"Ah there you are." he said walking over to our table with a grin.
"T-Tyler?" Enid said shocked.
"What surprised?" he asked with a smirk.
"I saw your father take you away.." i said shocked.
"Did you really think some normy could stop me?" he said laughing.
"I killed him and then ran off to recover and train knowing i would find you again." he added.

"I recommend the rest of you leave. This isn't going to be a friendly conversation." Tyler said looking at the rest off the students sitting here.

They all looked at me and i just nodded.
"Y/n, i'm not leaving you." Enid said refusing to leave.

"Enid, just listen to me. I'll be fine this smeegle looking dumbass was beaten before i'll do it again." i said with a comforting smile.

"We won because there were 2 off us.." she said with tears welling up in her eyes.

"I know, but since you haven't mastered wolfing out yet i don't want you to get hurt so please leave me for once."  i said.
She nodded before hugging me and walking away.

Enid Sinclair x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now