Chapter 4: The 'date'

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Enid pov

I woke up at 7 am already since i wanted to make sure i looked good.
Wednesday woke up and was asking me all sorts of strange questions but i mostly ignored her focusing on getting ready.
"Wednesday, how about top?" i ask Wednesday which caused her to turn her back to me.

'Ok i should just let her sleep..'

After a while i eventually got ready and waited for 7 forty am to roll around.
As it hit 7 forty am i left my dorm and headed to the gates.
I sat down on a little stone plate and just scrolled on my phone.

Y/n pov

I wanted to wake up early but managed to oversleep.It was already 7 forty am when i got into the bathroom.I wanted to text Enid that i might be running late but i decided not to.As i eventually got ready i looked at the time seeing it was 7 fifty five am..I was contemplating on texting Enid and eventually convince myself to do it.ENID

Hey Enid i'm on my way to the gates sorry for the delay 😅

No worries i just got here :)

After i saw this text i was relieved and glad i didn't text her sooner since i might have come of as desperate..
After 5 minutes i arrived at the gates met with a nervous looking Enid.

"Sorry for making you wait i just kinda... overslept." i said chuckling at my own stupidity.
"No worries." she said with her signature smile.
After we walked over to the Weathervane.
The walk there was really fun. We were talking and laughing about all sorts of stuff.
As we got to the Weathervane i opened the door and let Enid inside before me and we eventually sat down at a booth.
"Hey what can i get you?" i barista asks standing at the end of our table.
"I'll take a coffee i need some caffeine." i said with a smile.
"I'll also have some coffee." she said with a smile.
"Alright i'll  be right back." the barista said before walking over to the counter to make our drinks.
I was just about to ask Enid who he was since he seemed nice but as i looked over i caught her staring which annoyed me.
'Alright i don't like this guy anymore.'

"You like him?" i ask forcing myself to smile.

"What? N-no.." she said sounding weird.
"Sure." i said attempting to keep my smile up.
Enid pov

I wanted to see if Y/n liked me back but didn't know how..

Suddenly Tyler showed up and took out orders. This was perfect.

After he left i forced myself to keep staring a little longer and i swear i saw Y/n's smile drop and turn into something else..

"You like him?" he asks with a smile but he sounded annoyed.

"What? N-no.." i said attempting to sound suspicious.

Y/n definitely wasn't pleased which meant he atleast felt something for me... I think.

Y/n pov

It felt awkward talking to Enid for a while since she kept looking at the barista every now and then..

"Enid you've been looking at this barista almost every minute. Can you just tell me what the deal is?" i ask trying not to sound annoyed.
"W-what there's no deal.." she said.
She was definitely acting weird.
'Y/n you can't get mad it's not like you had a chance to begin with.. You just moved here.'

"Enid you're acting really weird.. If you like the guy that much just ask him out." i said definitely sounding annoyed.
"Why are you acting like this suddenly?" she asks confused.
"Because i want the best for you Enid." i said not wanting to reveal my secret crush.
"Sounds like you're jealous." she said with a smirk.
"I-i'm not." i said taken aback by her sudden accusation.

Enid Sinclair x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now