Chapter 3 The poe cup

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--2 days after the accident--

i woke up pretty late since it was a saturday.
"Goodmorning." I heard Xavier say from across the room as he was drawing at his desk.
"Shouldn't you be preparing for this poe cup thing?" i ask confused.

"It was the only thing you could talk about yesterday." i added fully getting out of bed.
"No Ajax wanted to do some work alone and told me he would come get me when he needed help." Xavier said not looking up from his sketch book.
"Is it just me or has Ajax been acting weird the last couple days?" i ask standing behind him looking at his drawing.
"Damn you really are obsessed with Wednesday." i say seeing a drawing of Wednesday.

"H-hey you weren't supposed to see that.." he said quickly closing his sketchbook.
"Don't worry i'm not a snitch." i said smacking his shoulder before walking into the bathroom.

After a few minutes i walked out fully dressed.
"Where are you going?" he ask confused.

"I want to take a walk and maybe i'll say hi to Ajax." i said grabbing my shoes.
"Oh ok sure have fun." he said getting back to his sketch.

"Don't ever let Wednesday see that or you have zero chance with her." i said walking out.
Since i was still relatively new i managed to get lost.
"Great where the hell even am i?" i mumble looking around.
I took out my phone and took a photo to send to Xavier to ask where the hell i am and how to get to the quad.
Just as i was about to hit send i familiar female voice called out my name.
"Hey Y/n! What are you doing here?" Enid asks me with a smile.

"Well i wanted to go for a walk but managed to get lost and now i have no clue where i am." i said chuckling.

"Don't worry i'll take you." she said with a smile.

'No Y/n these aren't signs she is just your friend..'

After a few minutes we got to the quad.
"Hey do you think you could help me and my team paint the boat for the poe cup?" she suddenly asks.
"Sure, why didn't you ask Ajax tho?" i ask 

"I did but he was too busy with his own boat." she said.

"As long as it's simple enough i'm in." i said with a smile.

"Ok great!" she said hugging me.
After that we headed out to the lakeside where the teams were preparing their boats.
I could see Ajax working all alone which surprised me.

"Isn't it weird Ajax is all on his own?" i ask looking at him.
"Yea.. I asked him about it earlier but got no response." she said putting on an apron.
"So what do i do?" i ask.
"Simple just paint the whole thing black!" she said.

"Except the front right?" i ask.
"Yep!" she said handing me a paint brush.
"Alright then." i said sitting down and starting to paint.
After about 20 minutes Wednesday suddenly came over.

"Enid i need you to cover for me." she said not even looking at me.

"Hello to you too." i said rolling my eyes.

She just gave me a side eye.

'Atleast i caught feelings for a friendly person and not someone like Wednesday.'

"Oh 2 strikes, one i'm busy and two bees totally creep me out." Enid said.
Wednesday just looked at her annoyed.

"Why don't you just get thing to do it for you?" i ask confused.
"H-how do you know about thing?" she asks confused.

I saw you talking to him in the conservatory yesterday." i said getting back to painting.

"Why are you even here?" she asks confused.

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