Chapter 13: Not so pleasant encounter

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I woke up the next day to once again find Enid sleeping on my chest.
I didn't mind this at all and actually really enjoyed this.
I didn't really want to move and wake her up so i just stared at the ceiling thinking about life.
I have also noticed that my anger issues are less of a problem when i'm with her..
If that isn't a sign i don't know what is.

Even though i tried really hard not to wake her up i failed and she woke up.
"Goodmorning." i said smiling as i looked down at her.
"Goodmorning." she replied barely keeping her eyes open.
It took a good 5 minutes before she was fully awake.

"I take it you're not really i morning person." i said standing up.
"What gives it away?" she asked sarcastically.
I just smiled and looked through my closet for something to wear.
I eventually found a simple outfit to wear.
By the time i came out of my closet Enid was already fully dressed and scrolling on her phone.
"How are you already ready?" i ask confused.
"Because you're slow." she said chuckling.
I just rolled my eyes and walked into the bathroom.
I came out after 10 minutes finding Enid was now gone.
I assumed she went downstairs to eat something and quickly grabbed my phone to walk down aswel.
As i walk down i could see Enid playing with my brother.
I just smiled and walked into the kitchen to get some food since i was starving.

"Y/n what are you doing we are going out for breakfast." my mom said from behind.

"I wasn't informed of this." i said putting down my apple.
"You are now." she said with a smile turning around.
I just rolled my eyes and walked over to grab my shoes.
After that we walked outside to the car.

As we arrived at the restaurant Enid suddenly walked closer to me..

"What's wrong?" i ask confused.
"My mom.." she said looking down.
As i looked around my eyes suddenly landed on the old wrinkly woman.
"Here this will help disguise your hair." i said putting my jacket over her and pulling up the hood.
Her mom looked over for a couple seconds but walked away..
We luckily managed to get in without her mother noticing.
We sat down at a booth close to the back.

My parents and brother left for a bit since my brother wasn't feeling well..
Turns out he's allergic to something in here..

Now it was just me and Enid sitting here looking through the menu trying to find something to eat.
Just as we were about to order her mom walked over...
"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ENID!" she yelled causing everybody around to look at us.

"Let's get out of here." i said grabbing her hand and standing up.
"Don't think you're about to walk away with my daughter." she said standing infront of me.
"Actually i am about to do that." i said walking away.
I didn't get far however since i was yanked back by my hood.
"I said you're not leaving!" she yelled causing some people around us to stand up.
I don't know how but i was really calm in this situation..
I was also still holding Enid's hand that might have something to do with it.
"Ma'am please leave these teenagers alone." one of the employees said walking over.
"I don't think so! He took away my daughter and is now trying to keep her from me!" she said annoyed.
"Is this true?" the employee asks.

Before i could even answer Enid answered for me.
"No we don't know this woman." she said causing her mother to gasp.

"YOU KNOW WHAT I NEVER WANTED YOU BACK! YOU'RE A DISGRACE TO THE FAMILLY!" she yelled before storming past us and walking out.
The employee apologised and went back to work.
As i looked over at Enid however she was about to start crying..
"Hey it's ok.." i said pulling her into a hug.
"It still hurts..."she says crying into my shoulder.

"I know.." i said patting her back.
"Let's get out of here, people are staring." i said grabbing her hand and walking out.
I called a taxi and we went home.
I texted my mom aswel so she wouldn't be worried.

We were sitting in our shared room and Enid was still crying her eyes out into my shoulder.
I can't blame her though, i would be upset aswel if my mother said all those things to me.
And yet even though her mother keeps treating her like crap she still wants to do right by her..

"Thank you for this.." Enid suddenly said.
"Ofcourse i'm always here for you." i said with a smile.
She then hugged me again.
"Oh what you would be without me." i said laughing a little.
"Shut up." she said laughing.
"Make me." i said trying not to burst out laughing at my own cheesyness.
Suddenly i felt her kissing me.
I didn't mind though and enjoyed every second of it.
'I'll be honest i was hoping for a little more..'

After we pulled away we stood up and headed to the kitched since we still haven't eaten breakfast..
I wasn't in the mood for something special and just mixed in some fruits with yogurt.

Just as we finished up eating my familly walked in.
"Is he ok?" i ask pointing to my brother.
"Yea he just had a little allergic reaction." my mom said.
"Are you two ok?" she asked.
"Yea i think so." i said looking back at Enid who was walking upstairs looking at her phone.
"I'll go check up on her." i said hugging my parents and brother and walking upstairs.

Enid and i ended up watching movies or just videos for the rest of the day only leaving the room if we wanted food.
I'll be honest this might be boring to some people but to my antisocial ass this was the perfect day.
Escpecially since Enid was here.
Just as we were about to watch the next movie Enid fell asleep.
I carefully stood up and carried her over to the bed and put her down.
I layed down next to her and shortly after fell asleep aswell.

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