Chapter 10: The recovery

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The last thing i remember is Enid and Wednesday running over and then my vision went black..

Enid pov

As i was walking back and forth in the hallway a nurse came up to me.
"Mrs Sinclair?" She asks looking at me.
"Please tell me some good news.." i said nervous.
"Well he's alive, but he's in a coma and it might take awhile for him to wake up.." she said with a sympathetic look on her face.

I couldn't hold back my tears any longer and burst out crying..

Ajax hugged me and how much i wanted it to be Y/n i needed somebody right now and hugged him back.

--4 months later--

It had been a good 4 months and i was slowly going insane..
My ussual happy personality was replaced by one more like Wednesday's.

That morning i got out of bed only to be met with Wednesday's critic comments.

I just ignored her since i knew this was a fight i wouldn't win.
I hopped in the shower and after that i got ready.

As i walked onto the quad Ajax immediatly walked over to me.
I have to admit it was nice having Ajax supporting me.
Although he was doing it since he stil liked me i was hoping he wasn't and was just doing it to help me.

"Hey Enid, feeling any better today?" he asks pulling me into a hug.
"No not really.." i said letting out a sigh.
Ajax just gave me a sympathetic nod and we walked to our classes.

It was math which didn't help my mood since i hate math to the deepest of my heart.
Normally Y/n would sit next to me and make subtle jokes and comments that would always cheer me up but Ajax wasn't he was following the lesson..

I know it's bad to be annoyed for him following the lesson but i was.

The rest of my subjects mostly went the same way with me being depressed not paying attention.
Just as i was walking to my final class though my phone started ringing.
I took it out of my pocket expecting Ajax wanting to hangout after school but to my surprise it was the hospital..

I quickly answered hoping Y/n was awake.
"Hello mrs Sinclair i'm calling regarding Y/n's wellbeing." the woman on the other end spoke.
"And?" i ask anxious.

"He just woke up an hour ago and is now fully awake." She said.

At this point i couldn't contain my smile.
"When can i come visit?" i ask almost jumping with joy.
"Visiting hours are until 6pm." she said.
"Ok thanks i'll drop by in an hour i have class." i said hanging up.
I quickly dashed over to my next class thinking of a way to ask the teacher to go see him.
It wasn't any success though since the teacher didn't let me go.

After my final lesson was over i didn't even bother to go change and headed straight for the hospital.
Halfway through i realised i should have asked Weems but it was now too late anyway.
After another 10 minutes i finally reached the hospital.

"Hey what room is Y/n L/n in?" i ask the receptionist.
"Hold on let me check." she said doing something on her computer.
"Room number 425." she said with a smile.
I quickly returned the smile and dashed to the elevator.
As i look at my phone it was currently 5:30 pm which meant i would only be able to spend 30 minutes which made me pretty upset.

After a few more seconds the elevator stopped and the doors opened.
I walked through the halls looking for number 425 when suddenly i spotted it.
I stood outside taking a deep breath and walking in.

As i saw him sitting down on his phone i ran upto to him and pulled him into a tight hug but i was carefull not to press on his wounds.

Y/n pov

As i woke up i was met with the white roof of the hospital..
"He's awake!" i heard a voice yell acros the room.
As my eyes fully opened i looked around seeing a couple doctors smiling at me.
"What?" i ask confused.
"Nothing just happy you're finally awake." they said sounding relieved.
"I can't have been in a coma for that long.." i said.

"It has been 4 months since you were attacked.." the doctor said the smile dropping.
"F-four months?" i ask opening my eyes even wider.
They just nod.
"What about Enid?" i ask worried.
"Mrs Sinclair is ok, she had been visiting you everyday." they said with a smile.
I couldn't do anything other than smile hearing that.
"What time is it?" i ask confused.
"It's currently 2 pm." the doctor said.

My smile was wiped from my face realising Enid still had 2 hours of classes..

"Don't worry we will contact Mrs Sinclair in an hour letting her know you're awake." they said smiling at me once more before leaving the room.
As i looked around my room my eyes landed on my phone and i grabbed it wanting to kill some time.

As i turn on my phone though i'm met with a surprise..
My wallpaper had been changed to a picture of me and Enid out on one of our dates..

This caused my smile to reappear and i had never been this glad i shared my pincode with somebody.
The rest of the time was spent with me checking instagram or scrolling on tiktok.

As i was watching tiktok i suddenly felt 2 arms grab me and hold me tight.

As put my phone down i immediatly recognised the hair knowing it was Enid.

"I missed you.." she said pulling away.
"I'm sorry.." i said giving her a slight smile.
"It's not you who should be appologising it's the monster. It's the one that did this to you.." she said with anger in her voice.
I had never seen this side of Enid before and i'll be honest i like it.
"I promise once i'm fully healed I will find out who the monster is and kill them." i said grabbing her hand.
After 30 minutes a doctor came into my room.
"I have good news for you mr L/n." the doctor said with a smile.
I just looked at her curiosly awaiting the results.
"Somehow your body is healing faster than normal so you'll be able to leave by tomorrow night." she said with a smile.
I just smiled being happy with the werewolve's enhanced healing ability.

"Some bad news though, Mrs Sinclair i'm afraid visiting hours are over." she said with an apologetic look on her face.
"Can't she just stay here for one night?" i ask.
She just stood there thinking for a second before finally answering.
"Fine i'll make an exception but just for this once." she said walking out.
"I hope i didn't ruin any plans by doing that but i need to see you." i said grabbing her hand once again.
"Don't be. I haven't done much these past 4 months besides class and sitting in my dorm." she said with a slight smile.
"Are you ok?" i ask worried knowing this isn't like her.

"W-what ofcourse.." she said with a smile.
"Enid, i may not know you for that long but staying in your dorm for 4 months straight is not like you.." i said with a worried look.
"Ok fine.. I haven't been feeling good at all recently because i was constanly worried you wouldn't wake up.." she said with tears forming in her eyes.
I had no clue how to deal with this and just hugged her.
"It's ok. I'm fine." i said patting her back.
Tears were now running from her eyes onto my hospital gown..
"Please don't ever do this again.." she said after we pulled away.

"I'll try.."  i said with a weak smile.
After a few more minutes a couple doctors came in with an extra bed placing it next to mine.
"Thank you." i said smiling at them.
They just nodded and left.

The rest of the night Enid caught me up with what has been happening lately and after that we both fell asleep.
It did feel weird not having her next to me..


A/N: Once again sorry for not uploading yersterday but i really needed the sleep.

People have said to stop apologising for it but i'm going to do it anyway so sorry.

Anyways enjoy this chapter.

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