Chapter 12: A new family

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As i looked to my right i saw Enid peacefully sleeping on my shoulder.
I just smiled and when i looked up i saw my mom smiling aswel through the mirror.
It was completely silent since neither me or my mom wanted to wake her up.
Before Enid fell asleep though my mom was asking Enid all sorts of questions and telling her stories.

We were now only 5 minutes away from my house and to say i was excited would be an understatement.
I haven't seen my brother in what felt like years and was really excited.
I was also hoping he would like Enid.
'Ofcourse he'll like her who can't?'

As we pull into the driveway i carefully wake up Enid.

"hey, wake up." i said almost whispering slightly shaking her shoulder.
"5 more minutes." she says slowly opening her eyes.
"You can sleep more in a bit but we just arrived." i said smiling at her.
After a few more minutes she was awake and we got out off the car.

I could see Enid was nervous since she was doing everything except standing still.
"Don't worry everything will be fine." i said grabbing her hand.
She just smiled.

My mom then unlocked the door and we walked in.
"There's my boy!" my father said excited pulling me into a hug.
"And you must be his girlfriend." my dad said with a smile.

"Yep, Enid Sinclair." she said holding out her hand.
"Oh no need to be so formal! Come here." he said pulling her into a hug aswel.

I just smiled at her reaction.
"Where's my little friend?" i ask turning to my mom.

"He's upstairs he doesn't know you're back." she said with a little smirk.
Now i knew what i had to do.

I snuck up to the second floor and stood outside his bedroom.
I quietly open it seeing him sitting at his desk.
I sneak into his room and close the door behind me.
I then saw the reason why he didn't hear me, he had earbuds in.
I walk up behind him and pull out one of his earbuds.
"What are you doing?" i ask with a smirk.
I have never seen him turn around this fast in his life.

"Y/N I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE BACK!" he said jumping up from his chair and pulling me into a hug.
After a couple minutes he let me go.
"Hey remember that girl i told you about?" i ask with a smile.

"NO WAY!" he yells excited.
"Yes way!" i said with my smile growing.
"Can i meet her?" he asks

"Ofcourse you can." i said with a smile as i walk over to the door.
"Cmon let's go." i said causing him to run over.
As we walk downstairs i can see Enid and my parents laughing and talking.
"There she is." i tell my little brother pointing at her.
He just ran up to her and hugged her.
I just smiled seeing her interact with my familly.
She noticed me staring at her from the stairs and smiled at me.
My smile grew even wider and i walked over.
"See i told you my familly would love you." i whisper into her ear.

"How about we help you get your things upto your room?" my mom suggests.

"No need, i'll take care of it." i said with a smile.
All of them just smiled at me.
I'll admit i didn't want to do it i just wanted to see them smile.

After another minute i left Enid with my familly to get to know them and walked outside to get the bags from the car.
It took me a couple runs but eventually got everything set up in my room.
As i was placing down my things around my room suddenly Enid walked in.

"Where is my stuff i thought it would be a good idea to set up aswel." she said.

"Right over there." i said pointing across the room.

"And where is the guest room?" she asks.
"And you thought you were getting rid of me that easy?" i ask with a smile.
"Wait.. Your parents allowed this?" she asked confused.
"Yea i just told them we shared a dorm back at Nevermore.
She then smiled and hugged me.
I have to admit i enjoy her smile and hugs way more then i should.
"Do you need help?" i ask looking down.
"No i'm good." she said smiling and letting go.
We talked for a couple hours whilst setting up our stuff.
At one point we put on some music and it was a whole damn concert.
Our mini concert was stopped though since my mom walked in.
I quickly turned of the music only seeing her smile.

"I have a suggestion." she said with a smile.

"I'm all ears." i said looking at her.
"I was thinking we could go out to dinner tonight!" she said excited.
"Sounds good to me." i said with a smile.

"I'm in too!" Enid says excited.
"Great i'll get the reservations ready. I'll come tell you when i know when." she said with a smile leaving my room.

After 10 minutes my mom walked in telling us the time.
"We have reservations at 8." she said with a smile.
"Sounds good." i said with a smile.
After she left again and i got up from my bed to throw on some new clothes.
"How fancy should i dress?" Enid asks going through the part of the closet i cleared out for her.
"Nothing too fancy just show that you put in the effort but don't overdress." i said grabbing some decent clothes.
I got changed and Enid did aswel.

It was now 7:20 pm and we headed down since the drive was a good 30 minutes.
"Oh you two look amazing!" my mother said with a smile.
"Thank you." both me and Enid said with a smile.
After another minute we walked outside and got in the car.

I was sat on the far left with Enid to my right and my little brother to her right.
The car ride to the restaurant was just a straight vibe.
Either it was us singing along to songs or just talking and laughing with eachother it was just a vibe.
'God i love my familly'

We arrived at the restaurant and it looked pretty fancy.
We walked in and were escorted to out table.
The dinner was also really fun.
I honestly don't remember the last time i had this much fun.
I was also really happy to see that my familly liked Enid as much as they did.

The drive back home though was calm since everybody was tired.
"Damn little man you stayed up way past your bed time." i said smiling at my brother.
"Hey i'm not so little anymore i'm turning 14 in 2 months." my brother said.
"Damn they grow up quick." i said falling back agains the seat.
I must have fallen asleep since i don't remember the rest of the trip back.
I woke up just before we arrived at our house and woke Enid up aswel.
"Hey we're here." i said shaking her shoulders lightly.

As we were in my room changing into our pajamas Enid suddenly hugged me again.
"Thank you." she said.

"For what?" i ask confused.
"For making me feel loved again." she said letting go and laying down on my bed.
After a few seconds i joined her.
Enid snuggled up closer and after only a few minutes we both fell asleep.

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