Chapter 16: Going mentally insane

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It had been 2 months since my fight with Tyler and to say i was losing my mind would be an understatement..

The only human 'contact' i have had was Enid coming to talk to me almost everyday.

It was nice hearing her voice everyday since i was starting to get lonely..

But hey who wouldn't be i have been in absolute pitch black for 2 months and the only sounds were my heartbeat monitor and doctors talking every now and then.

I was going insane..
A few more days went by but it stayed the exact same everyday..

Black.. Black... And even more black..

However after a week something happend that gave me hope..

I felt a strong pain in my right leg..
I was regaining consciousness.

Besides that and Enid's visit the day was horrible..

However it started getting better every passing day.
I started regaining feeling in parts of my body everyday.

Eventually after another week i was finally able to open my eyes..
It felt nice finally being able to see and just be me again..
Then again almost everything hurt so that was pretty annoying.
I tried to get up from the hospital bed but the moment i tried to stand up my legs almost completely gave in so i had no choice but to just lay back down.

Luckily i was able to grab my phone from the nightstand.
The first thing i did was send Enid a text.

My Little She Wolf❤️

Hey Enid, are you ok?


Yea, just woke up a couple minutes ago

I'm coming over

Don't you have like 3 more lessons?

Not anymore

Ok, see you soon

I smiled as i hit send on that final message.
I then just put my phone down and smiled looking at the ceiling.
After an hour the doctors walked in along with Enid.
I smiled widely just seeing her.
Before the doctors could even start talking Enid immediately ran over and pulled me into a bear hug.
For a moment all my pain just dissapeared.
After a minue Enid let go and we listened to what the doctors had to say.
"Y/n, it's wonderful to have you back especially given your injuries." The doctor said with a smile.
"When will i be fully healed?" i asked.
"This is something we have never seen before so we can't give you an exact number but we speculate somewhere around 2-3 weeks." the doctor replied.
'That gives Tyler a head start...'

"Any possible methods to speed it up?" i ask hopefull.
"Not that we are aware off.So no.." The doctor said with a apologetic smile.
I just nodded.

"Don't worry Y/n. Nothing is going to happen.." Enid said with a comforting smile.
"I'll leave you two to catch up." The doctor said leaving the room.

"Thank you for coming to talk to me everyday." i suddenly said causing Enid to look at me surprised.

"You heard that?" She asks confused.
"Yea, it was the best part of my day the last couple months." i said chuckling;
"Well i'm glad i could help out." she said smiling proudly.

'God i missed her smile..'

"You have no clue how much i have missed your beautiful smile." i said laughing in order to stop the blushing.
Enid was caught off guard though and was heavily blushing right now.
'Should i keep going?... Yes.'

"You look really cute when you blush." i said with a smile.

Just like i expected her face turned even redder.
I just smiled.
"You ok? You look a little red?" i ask chuckling.
"Shut up." She said cover her face trying not to laugh.
I just laughed.
I chilled with Enid for the rest day untill the doctor eventually had to ruin it..
"I'm sorry but the visiting hours are over." the doctor said with an apologetic smile on her face.
I just nodded feeling pretty sad i would be alone again.
"It's ok Y/n.. I'll be back tomorrow." Enid said with a smile.
"If you don't i'm burning one off your unicorns." i replied with a serious face.
She then hugged me one more time before leaving.

After she left i took out my phone and texted some off my friends.
I eventually left my friends alone and started talking with Enid.

Enid's pov

I had been texting Y/n for the past 4 hours and Wednesday was starting to get pretty annoyed..

"Enid, can you cut it out? You have been giggling at your phone for the past 4 hours." Wednesday said annoyed giving me her ussual death stare

"Wednesday you don't understand. The love off your life didn't just awaken from a coma that was barely survivable." i said looking up from my phone at her.

"Enid you have been dating for like a week. Not counting the time he's been in a coma." She said annoyed.
"Wednesday you just don't understand this." i said getting pretty annoyed.
"You're right i don't understand this unnecessary love thing." she said typing on her typewriter.
I just decided to ignore her and get back to talking with Y/n.

--2 weeks later--

Y/n pov:

I was finally able to get out off the hospital today and words can not describe how relieved i was.
But then again i was now vulnerable to Tyler again..
'I'll just keep a low profile for now.'

When i got out off the hospital i was immediatly met with Enid's smiling face.

"yea ready to get back to the real world?" she asks with a smile.

"Yea..." i said not wanting to admit i was kinda scared.

We then walked back to Nevermore.
The walk back was pretty relaxing since we just talked some more.

I have no clue how me managed to talk evne more but we did.

When we eventually got back to Nevermore Enid headed off to her room since i told her i wanted to sleep.

That was a lie though since i wanted to go to the library to find a way to get stronger.

I was looking through every book i could find about werewolves to see if i could find a way to become better but found nothing..
Since that wasn't helping i decided to get pysically stronger.
"Alright time to hit the gym.. I gues.."

I had never been to the gym before and if i have it was years ago..

Long story short i have no clue what i'm doing..
I was just randomly messing around with weights and messing with the appliances that were in here.
"What the hell are you doing?" i heard somebody from behind me ask whilst laughing.
As i turned around i found Ajax.
"Oh uhm just working out.." i said lying.
"Here let me help you." he said still laughing.
'I'm not complaining i need help with this i have no clue what i'm doing..'


A/N: Alright sorry for keeping you all waiting for this long but i either forgot or had no time but the chapter is here!

We're also getting an Ajax redemtion ark cause i felt bad for my boy for doing him this dirty.

Anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Have a good night/day kings/Queens(To the 11% female readers, atleast that's what my demographics say so don't stab me if i'm wrong)

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