Chapter 9 surprise

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I was woken up the next day by Enid which annoyed me a little since it was a saturday and i wanted to sleep in.
"Sorry for waking you up but i need your help coming up with a surprise party for her birthday." Enid said excited.
"Enid i think i have talked to Wednesday twice the entire time of me being here." i said confused.
"If you don't want to you don't need to be there but can you atleast help set up the party?" she asks giving me puppy eyes.
"Fine.." i said annoyed not being able to resist.
"Thank you!" she said excited hugging me.
After that i got dressed and we met with a couple of Wednesday's friends.
Unfortunately Ajax was here aswel which made this harder.
"So any ideas?" Enid asks the group.
"Yea we though you could convince her to go the Crackstones crypt and then boom surprise!" Ajax said.
"What about the cake?" Enid asks.
"Tyler made one." Xavier said sounding annoyed.
"Somebody's jealous." i said smiling at Xavier.
Xavier just rolled his eyes.
"How about Enid says she's too scared to go inside and waits outside where Y/n will hand her the cake and she can walk in after we reveal ourselves." Xavier suggested.
"Works for me." i said causing Ajax to side eye me.
"Same here." Enid said.

"Alright then that's out plan." Xavier said with a smirk.
Me and Xavier headed to the Weathervane to pick up the cake whilst the others did some final preparations.
"Can i talk to you for a second?" Xavier suddenly asks.

"Sure what's up?" i ask confused.

"I need your help making sure Wednesday falls for me." he says.
"Xavier you know how Wednesday is.." i said wanting to save my friend from heartbreak.
"I know but things have been going good between us and i think she's giving me signs." he said with a slight smile.
"I hope they're actuall signs this time and not death threats and cold glares." i said.
"No not this time." he said laughing a little.
"And what are these signs?" i ask not convinced.
"Well she smiled once around me." he said.
"Anything else?" i ask.
"Yea i think i caught her staring at me a couple times during classes." he said with a smile.
"Damn she might actually be giving you signs this time." i said smacking his shoulder.
"So any advice?" he asks.
"My choice would be taking her out on a date after the surprise party." i said.
"There is a 99% chance she won't like the surprise party since she's... Wednesday.. So you should take her out and do something she enjoys." i added.

"Sounds good. Thanks Cupido." Xavier said with a smile.
"Happy to help." i said with a smile.
We then dropped by the Weathervane and picked up the cake and then walked back to Nevermore.

Once we got back i texted the group that we had the cake and we were on our way to the crypt.
Once we arrived and everybody was ready i sent a text to Enid telling her she could bring Wednesday.

Enid pov

I was waiting unfortunately in Y/n's dorm when suddenly i got a notification.

I quickly opened it and it was Y/n telling me it was time to bring Wednesday.
I just about ran out of the dorm and towards me and Wednesday's dorm.
As i walk in Wednesday was doing something with black magic..
As i walked in though her candles blew out.
"Should i even asks what's going on here?" i ask confused.
"I was reaching into the black wall of death to contact a relative." she said walking up to me.
"You have a relative named Goody?" i ask even more confused.

She just nodded.
"Why are you here?" she asks annoyed.
"I needed my lipstick." i lied.
"I can tell you're lying Sinclair." she said annoyed.
Lucky for me i was saved by a note sliding under the door.
'Thank you thing you really saved me.'

As she was reading it i walked up behind her.

"Maybe Goody answered you after all." i said with a smile.

"I doubt she communicates in magasine cutouts." she said annoyed.
Lucky for me Wednesday went anyways and i told her i was coming with her for company.

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