Chapter 14: A friendly reunion

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As i woke up the next day i found Enid already awake looking through my wardrobe.
"Find something you like?" i ask yawning.

"Well yes but it's one you wear all the time so i feel bad stealing it from you." she said.
"No need i don't really have a connection with my clothes, so you can have it." i said causing her to smile.
"Thank you." she said with a smile grabbing my white hoodie.
"Isn't that a little too less colour for your liking?" i ask.

"To your surprise i don't only own colourfull clothes." she said.
"This is actually surprising i have never seen you wear something that isn't colourfull." i said standing up.
"So anyways i was thinking about hanging out with a bunch off people from school today." she suddenly said.

"And where are we planning to meet?" i ask pulling a random shirt over my head.

"I was thinking the Weathervane." she said.

"Doesn't everybody live like 4 hours away from Jericho?" i ask.
"Yea but it would be worth it." she said.
"Yea Enid not to burst your bubble but i don't think parents are willing to do that." i said.
"You are forgetting on key thing." she said.

"And that is?" i ask confused.
"Public transportation." she said with a huge smile.
"Yea i guess that can work out." i said also smiling.
"See i knew i could talk some sense into you." she said.

"So who is actually coming?" i ask as we were waiting on our train.

"Well i got a reply from Ajax, Yoko, Bianca, Kent, Divina and Wednesday."

"Wait since when does Wednesday have a phone?" i ask confused.
"I don't think she does i just called her parents." she said with a proud smile.
"Smart move." i said with a smile.
After a few more minutes of waiting the train finally arrived.
The train ride was boring and long just as always.
"You look bored." Enid suddenly said.
"Yea i am." i said laughing a little.
"Good thing i came prepared." she said pulling out monopoly from her bag.

I just looked at her confused.

"What?" she asked.
"Why did you think to bring momopoly?" i ask.
"I knew you would get bored and forget to bring something to entertain yourself so i did it for you." she said with a smile.
"Well i appreciate that." i said with a smile.
Since monopoly takes 5 years to finish the round wasn't even over when the train arrived.
"How have we been playing for 2 hours and still not be done?" i ask confused looking at the screen telling me we arrived at Jericho.

"I don't know how this game does that." Enid said packing it away in her bag.

Before leaving we quickly checked our seats making sure we didn't forget anything and then left.
We called an uber since there was no way in hell i would be walking that far.

We did have to wait another 5 minutes because of this though but in my eyes it was worth it.
The ride to the Weathervane was a solid 20 minutes but i didn't really mind.

Enid on the other hand did and was acting like a little kid.
Not gonna lie i thought it was cute, but the uber driver didn't like us that much..
We then arrived at the Weathervane and to our surprise there were already some people there.

"Wednesday!" Enid said excited rushing over to her.

"Enid, you forced me to come here don't annoy me." Wednesday said not looking up from her book.
"Wednesday we both know you missed Enid. No need to be acting all though." i said causing her to glare up from her book to look at me.
"I don't remember asking for you to add yourself to this conversation." she said looking back at her book.

Enid Sinclair x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now