Chapter 5: Pilgrim world

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Y/n pov

I woke up the next day feeling like absolute shit..

"You don't look too good.." Xavier suddenly said causing me to turn around.

"Thanks for the support." i said chuckling.

"Now in all seriousness what is this awkward thing you and Enid have going on?" he asks.
"I'm not really in the mood to talk about it." i said sitting up and grabbing my uniform.
"Ok.. No problem." Xavier said sounding dissapointed.
After i walked into the bathroom and got ready.
After an hour i came out.
"What took you so long? We have to be down by the quad by 9 am." he said sounding stressed.
As i took out my phone to look at the time i saw it was 8 fifty am.

"We still have more than enough time." i said rolling my eyes.
After a few more minutes of discussion we walked down to the quad.
As we walked out i saw Enid talking to Wednesday but she wasn't her ussual cheery self..

I wanted to go over and talk to her but also wanted to give her the space she needed.
"Stop staring you look desperate." Xavier said snapping me out off my thoughts.

I just ignored him and shortly after principle Weems held her speech.
I wasn't really paying attention since i was thinking about Enid..

I wanted to make sure she was doing ok..
'Has she eaten?'

'Is she sleeping enough?'

'Is she ok?'

These thoughts kept running through my head.
"Here you go." Mrs Thornhill said handing me an envelope.
I quickly nodded and took the envelope.
As i open it i see a piece of paper with the word 'Pilgrim World' written on it.
I was about to walk over to Enid out of reflex and ask her what she got but quickly stopped myself..
'Wow this really sucks..'

After another few minutes the students were loaded up onto 2 different busses.

I was sitting with Xavier whilst Enid was sitting with Yoko..
Xavier kept trying to cheer my up by either telling funny stories from his past or just talking about stuff but nothing really helped..
"Y/n if this affects you this much you should just go over and talk to her." Xavier said sounding a little annoyed.
"Xavier i can't... I have to give her some space to figure out her feelings.. How much this may pain me i have to let her figure this out.. On her own." i said looking outside.
After another 5 minutes we arrived in Jericho.
Before we headed to out volunteer assignments we had to listen to yet another speech since they built a statue of Joseph Crackstone for some reason.

I wasn't really paying attention because i just didn't care.

After a while tho we were finally allowed to wonder the town for a bit before we head to go to our assignments.

I was hanging around with Xavier since i didn't really have other friends..

Suddenly this small boy walked over to us.
"Hey Xavier Wednesday wants to talk to you." the little boy says.
"Oh ok.." he said sounding confused.
"Good luck Y/n!" he said before walking over to Wednesday.
"Hey you're the new student right?" the small boy suddenly asks.
"Oh yea. Y/n." i said holding out my hand.
He shook it and we talked for a bit.

After an hour we had to head to out assignments.
Eugene had the same as me so we walked together and talked about all sorts of things..

Somehow the conversation even shifted to Enid..
After i realised what had happend i started to feel my face heat up.
I could see Eugene looking at me with a weird look but i was thankfully saved by a weird woman.
"Welcome my Nevermore kin!" she said with a forced accent.
Eventually she assigned us to work in some fudge store..

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