Chapter 6: The Rave'n

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I was at the Weathervane enjoying some pancakes along with Enid.
I tried to focus on what she was telling me but my mind kept repeating last nights events in my head..
"So what do you say?" she asks with a smile.
"Listen Enid i know i may sound annoying but could you ask again... I uhm was thinking about someone- Something." i said with my face probably being just as red as the ketchup bottle.
Enid just smiled at me.
'Damn her smile..'

"Alright so i'll cut it up this time. Will you give me a chance and let me be your girlfriend?" she asks with her face also turning red.
"I-I would love to." i said with a smile but my face also being the brightest shade of red.
It was a little awkward at first but the tension soon dissapeared and we just enjoyed ourselves
After an hour we decided to head back since we had classes.
I unknowingly grabbed her hand on the walk back but i guess both of us didn't mind.
 We shortly after reached Nevermore again and headed to our class.
We went on our date in our uniforms so we couldn't forget that.
We had biology together so i could hold her hand a little longer.
Lucky for us we got there at the same time as the other students and blended right back in.

During the lesson i kept looking at her and couldn't focus.
"Y/n can you tell me what this beauty is called?" Mrs Thornhill suddenly asks me.
I quickly snap back and look at the plant.
"Oh uh no i don't think ive seen that one before." i said.
"Funny given the fact we just talked about this one." she said sounding annoyed.

The rest of the class was boring and i didn't get called on again.
"Hey Y/n i have a quick question." Enid says running up to me excited.
"Sure ask ahead." i said with a smile.
"Do you have somebody for the Rave'n?" she asks.
"Yes i do." i said with a smirk.
"And who might that be?" she asks.

"You." i said with a smile.
"That's what i thought." she said with a smile.

The rest of my classes went even slower knowing Enid and i were going to the Rave'n together.
--After the lessons--

As it was finally time i basically ran over to my dorm and checked to find something nice to wear.
I found some white clothes that looked pretty fancy.. I guess.
Happy with the outfit i looked at the time.
I still had 4 hours until the Rave'n started so i guess i can just prepare myself.
I made sure my phone was charged and i looked up some dance moves since i had no clue how to dance.
Xavier had been non stop talking to me since Wednesday apperently asked him out over by his art shed.
I'll be honest i didn't even know he had an art shack.
After we were both done we just decided to hang around a bit.

Then it was finally time the Rave'n officially started.
I quickly texted Enid asking if she was ready.
She quickly responded and told me she was waiting at the quad.
So with that me and Xavier slip on our shoes and head downstairs.
After i finally managed to get down to the quad i was surprised seeing Enid in a beautiful white dress with her hair completely pink.
"And here i was thinking it wasn't possible for you to get even more beautiful." i said hugging her.
"Cmon!" she said excited dragging me inside.
I knew this wasn't going to be easy since i bet Enid knew how to dance but i had no clue how to.
Yes i watched a few videos but still..
"Do you know how to dance?" she asks on que.
"No not really." i said laughing slightly.
"Good neither do i!" she said dragging me even further.
We got onto the dance floor and Enid just started dancing.
"Yea ok ms 'i can't dance' just lie then." i said smiling at her.
After a minute i just decided to join her.

The Rave'n had been going on for a good hour and everybody was having a good time.
Some people were dancing with there partner and the others were sitting down enjoying the drinks.
Enid was still going strong but i tapped out since i had no clue what i was doing and i was getting tired.
"Hey i'm going to take a quick brake want anything to drink?" i ask.
"One of those Yetitinis isn't sounding so bad right now." she said with a smile.

I just smiled and went of to grab some drinks.
As i was getting the drinks i ran into Xavier sitting down looking sad.

"Hey what are you doing here?" i ask surprised.

"Wednesday and i got into a scuffle." he said.
"How so?" i ask worried.
"She thought i was being too pushy." he said.
"Damn... Well if there's anything i can do for you, you know where to find me." i said grabbing 2 drinks and heading to an open table.
As i set the drinks down Enid joins me.
"This dance is so much fun!" Enid says excited.
"I can agree with you on that, i totally thought this was going to be boring but i'm really enjoying myself." i said taking a sip from the yetitini.
Since both me and Enid were tired from dancing we sat down at the table for a bit.
It was all going great until suddenly what looked like blood started coming down from the sprinklers..
Enid was totally freaking out about her dress and we quickly got out before out clothes were completely ruined.

"Well that was quite an end to the night." i said.
"Who said it was over?" she asks stopping infront of me.
"What can we do at 10 pm?" i ask confused.
"Hey i have netflix and alot of movies i still need to watch." she said excited.
"Alrighty then do i meet you at your dorm or how do we do this?" i ask.
"I'll come over to you." she said with a smile.
"Alright see you in a bit." i said.
After that we both parted ways.
As i got into my dorm i quickly rinsed my clothes and took a quick shower before making sure i had blankets and pillows.
After 5 more minutes i heard a knock at my dorm.
I quickly head over to open the door revealing Enid.
"Welcome." i said with a smile moving aside so she could enter.
"Wait you have a couch?!" Enid asks sounding jealous.
"Ofcourse we do! Is your dorm not cool enough to have one?" i ask with a smile.
"I would be carefull or i'm taking all the blankets." she said laying down on the couch.
"Can we do it right here?" she asks.

"Sure let me just get the table for the screen." i said grabbing a small table and placing it infront of the couch.
Enid installed her laptop on it and logged in on Netflix.
The movie night went on for atleast 2 more hours.
I didn't mind though since everytime she would get scared by something she would come closer and hug me.
As we were on the third movie i suddenly felt Enid lay down against me..
"Hey you ok?" i aks confused.
"Ofcourse i'm just tired and want to sleep." she said shifting around for a couple more seconds before suddenly laying still.
"Good idea i'm going to get comfortable too i'm pretty tired." i said also slightly laying down.
"Goodnight Y/n." Enid said with a smile.
"Goodnight." i said returning the smile.
After that we both fell asleep on the couch.


A/N: sorry for the short chapter but i had no more ideas for this chapter and since it is currently 3 am for me i'm really tired and want to sleep.

So i hope you enjoy this shorter chapter.

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