Chapter 11: School year cut short

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I was packing all the things i had in my hospital room whilst Enid was brushing her teeth.
Suddenly Eugene ran into my room.
"Hey what's up Eugene!" i said with a smile.
"Y/n i need your help! Wednesday is going to confront Thornhill on her own!" he said slightly out of breath.
"I don't see the big deal?" i ask confused.
"Thornhill is the hyde's master!" he said slightly annoyed.
"What's a hyde?" i ask confused.
"No time to explain come on!" Enid said grabbing my hand and running out of the room.
"God why do we have to run all the way there.." Enid says annoyed.
"Wait i have a plan." i said suddnely stopping.
"Y/n cmon we have to go!" Both Enid and Eugene said.
"Yea but this is faster." i said breaking the window to the car next to me.
"Y/N!" Enid yells.
"Shhht you're drawing attention." i said opening the door and getting in.
"Cmon!' I said causing Enid and Eugene to jump slightly and get in the car.
After a couple seconds of messing with wires i got the car to start up.
After that i sped off.
"I didn't know you had a license." Enid said

"I don't." i said with a slight smile.
Enid just looked at me surprised.
"What did you think i only had a soft side?" i ask with a smile.
 She just rolls her eyes and after a short 10 minute drive we arive at Nevermore.
We had already discussed that we would inform the nightshades and i had to explain to Enid what the Nightshades were since she didn't know.

The Nightshades and i eventually came up with a plan:

Me and Enid would go looking for Wednesday whilst the rest of the Nightshades evacuated the school.

As me and Enid were running through the forest she suddenly fell..
"Enid are you ok?" i ask worried.
"OMG Y/N I'M WOLFING OUT!" She yells excited.
I just smiled watching her finally being able to transform.
After she was done i transformed aswel and we ran off again.

We eventually found Wednesday being held up by the monster.
Just as he was about to kill Wednesday i intervened and dropkicked it.

He didn't seem to like it since he charged me and started attacking me.
Lucky for me it was a 2v1 since i was still recovering i wasn't at my full potential.

Whilst me and Enid were fighting the Hyde Wednesday ran off to Nevermore.
The fight was going pretty well and Enid and i had the upper hand but that changed when suddenly the monster picked her up and scratched her.
Before he could deliever the killing blow though i was able to kick him away.
After taking a few seconds to make sure she was ok i charged at the Hyde.
Since it wasn't really thought out the monster managed to dodge my attack and throw me agains a tree.

I do have to admit that hurt.
Not only pysically but also my ego was hurt.
However with the adrenaline running through me i barely felt the inpact and was able to recover pretty quick.
I charged it again but this time thought it out and was able to dodge his attacks giving me an opportunity to slice him in the back.
I take it and start attacking his back.
It only took him a couple seconds to react and throw me away.
I was able to deal some pretty serious hits.
Suddenly Enid came from my right and started attacking the Hyde again.
I quickly join her and make it a 2v1 again.

It only took us a few more minutes before we were able to defeat the monster.
Shortly after the fight Enid started transforming back and i quickly transformed back knowing she would be freaking out.
To my surprise the monster started transforming aswel revealing Tyler..
I didn't care for him though and stayed by Enid's side.
Lucky for us we didn't have to care about him since the sheriff came into the woods shortly after and took him away.

After Enid and i took a second to catch out breath and calm down we headed over to Nevermore.
It's not that we were doubting Wednesday's abilities but we were worried.
And with 'we' i mean Enid since i barely knew Wednesday.

After running back for 5 minutes we reached Nevermore.
There was a a pretty big smoke cloud coming from what looked to be the quad..
Seeing this we quickly headed inside.
As we get onto the quad we see Crackstone about to kill Wednesday..
I quickly pick up a piece of debris and throw it at him buying Wednesday some time.
Just like i expected Crackstone turned his attention from her to me.
I was about to attack him when suddenly i was held in place by a wand and thrown across the quad.
Wednesday then took this oportunity to stab Crackstone causing him to disintegrate.
After the fight i quickly stood up looking at Enid making sure she was ok.

She luckily was and was now hugging Wednesday.

I just smiled at the sight seeing Wednesday and Enid hugging.
Suddenly Wednesday started walking over..
"Thank you." she said in her ussuall monotone voice.
"You're welcome." i said with a smile.

--2 days later--

Today was the day that the early break started since... You know the principle is dead..

"Ugh i really don't want to go back to my mom.." Enid said closing up her final bag.
"Then don't." i said.
"Then where am i supposed to stay?" she asks confused.
"With me." i said with a smile.
I have never seen her turn around this fast.
"A-are you being serious?" she asks.
"As serious as i can be." i said with a smile.
She just smiled and hugged me tight.
"THANK YOU!" she yelled excited.

"Ofcourse, i had a feeling you wouldn't want to go back to your mother so i asked my parents yesterday and they would be happy to have you."   i said looking at her with a smile.
She then smiled even wider which i didn't even know was possible.
"I love you." she said kissing me.
I was shocked giving the subtle action but went along with it enjoying every second.

After 2 hours we were waiting outside since my mom texted that she was only 5 minutes away.
And like she said after another minute she arrived.

She got out and hugged both me and Enid before helping us get our stuff in the car.
Before Enid left though she quickly hugged her father who came here just to say goodbye.

I knew Enid's dad and her had a good bond so i knew it would be hard for Enid to be away from him for a while.
After their goodbyes were said we got into the car and drove off to my house.
"Do you like over energetic kids?" i ask looking at Enid.

"Yes, i love kids!" she said with a smile.
"Good then you'll love my brother." i said returning the smile.
After that we started talking.
It was either my mother asking Enid about herself or the otherway around.
I just mostly sat there and listened.
"Once again thank you for allowing me to stay with you." Enid said smiling at my mom.
"Ofcourse sweetheart anytime." she said smiling through the car mirror.
"I hope you'll enjoy your stay." my mom said.
"I'm sure i will." Enid said with her smile growing wider.

Seeing her made me smile aswel and the thought of having her with me the entire break made me smile even more.

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