Chapter 2: Nevermore

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Y/n pov

I woke up pretty early today since i had to catch a train to Jericho.
As i get out of bed i walk over to my closet and grab some clothes.
I put them on my bed and then went to shower.
After 30 minutes i was done and headed downstairs.

As i get into the kitchen my mom, dad and brother are sitting there.

"You guys didn't have to wake up for me." i said grabbing some cereal.
"Ofcourse we did! You're going away for what could be years." my mom said.

"Mom that's a little dramatic." i said chuckling.
"Maybe but you get the point." she said.
"Yes i do." i said with a smile and sat down with them.

"So at what time is your train leaving?" my fathes asks looking at the clock.
"Uh i believe it was 7 am." i said.
"Should i take you it's already 6:30?" my fathes asks.
"Oh yes that would be great." i said with a smile.
I loaded my bags into the car and then said my goodbyes.
"No need were coming with you to the train station." my mom said.
"Great." i said with a smile.
After a 20 minute ride we arrived at the train station.

"Alright well this is goodbye." i said looking at my familly.
"For now." my mother corrected me.
  "Oh yes ofcourse." i said with a smile before hugging all of them.

After that i walked inside.
Lucky for me my mom made me some coffee for on the way.

I get on the train and to my surprise it was almost completely empty..

I was secretly happy though since this meant i could have a seat all to myself.
It was a 2 hour train ride so i got comfortable and grabbed my phone.
I opened snapchat and sent a picture to my friend.
I knew he wasn't going to respond since it was 7 am.
So i grabbed my headphones and started listening to some music whilst looking outside.

--2 hours later--

As i got off the train i walked to the front where the principle was supposed to be waiting for me.
Normally school started at 8 am but since i couldn't get here sooner they let me come at 10 am.
As i was walking i saw a tall lady with white hair holding a sign with my name.
I walked over and introduced myself.
"Ah you must be Y/n." she said with a smile.

"Yep that's me." i said with a smile.
It wasn't really a big smile since i was pretty tired.

"I'm principle Weems." she said with the same smile.
"How about i take you to Nevermore then you can meet some of the students." she said still keeping her smile.
"Sure sounds good." i said.

It was a 20 minute ride but then we eventually made it.
"How about you head to the quad it's an outside area where you can wait until i get your uniform and scedule." she said with the same smile.

"Oh uh sure just where is the quad?" i ask.
"Oh yes ofcourse you're new here. When you walk through the door here keep heading straight and take the 4th door to the right." she said before walking inside herself.
Before i went in i sent a photo of the school to my friend.
After that i walked inside.
The halls were empty so i assumed they still had class.

As i get out onto 'the quad' i just lean agains a wall and do some random stuff on my phone.

After a few seconds the bell rang and a bunch of people came flooding in.
I just put my hood up not wanting to talk to anybody.
But my plan didn't work and somebody came up to me..
"Hey you're the new kid right?" a male voice asks me.
As i look up i could see a guy wearing a beanie holding out his hand with a smile.
"Yea. I'm Y/n." i said shaking his hand.

"Ajax." he said.
We just talked to eachother for a good 2 minutes until a girl came running over.
"Hey are you're Y/n right?" the girl asks.
She had an insane amount of energy.

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