Level 20:Solice of Victory

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"Wolf, I'm sensing some bloodlust. Everything ok?" Lyla mentally asked unaware that she was sensing Toga

"We're fine. No need to keep worrying. I can handle it if it gets nasty." Gen Wolf said.

"Ok. Just let us know otherwise." Lyla said before leaving him be

"Toga!" Spinner called out, snapping her out of her blood induced state of bliss

"What?" Toga asked with a cute head tilt

Spinner sighed and waved her off.

"Anyway....let's continue if it's ready." Dabi shrugged

The scene opens up to show Keith's avatar laying on a bed in one of the private rooms of the royal family's private clinic in Castle Town. It's the day after the battle with Pope Balmus and also a day after Keith had used Blood Sacrifice.

"What is this place?" Toph asked

"A clinic most likely." Suki said

The queen made sure that Keith and the others, mainly Keith, were treated properly and immediately. Frostine, during the entire trip to Castle Town, has yet to leave Keith's side and refuses to leave him.

Katara knew how she felt. While Aang was out cold, she didn't leave his side either

"Anyone wanna bet she didn't eat or sleep?" M'gann asked concerned

"Eat, most likely. Sleep, doubt it. She must've fallen asleep at some point." Robin said.

Keith's avatar was laid in a bed, Frostine cuddling beside him. Zane's avatar sat down on a chair and was "sleeping". Meanwhile Raphtalia went to get some food with Filo and Melty. Yanoka, meanwhile, was in the city.

In the lounge, Kara was tending to an unconscious Keith while Zane was cooking some lunch. Said lunch was chicken tenders and mashed potatoes. These were the ones frozen in packs, he didn't actually make them.

"What's wrong with the food? It's packed weird." Lili said confused

"And why is it frozen?' Bell asked

"I'm going to guess they don't have frozen meals before, huh?" Wally asked the wolf, who shook his head.

"People freeze meals?' Zuko asked innocently

"To preserve it, yes. Mainly meat products." Gen Wolf said

He hears Kara walking down the stairs. He turns to her and asks.

Zane: How is he?

Kara: He's stable. I managed to stitch all his wounds close and bandage him up.

"Thank God.." Superman sighed in relief

"He's gonna make it." Wonder Woman sighed

Zane nods and focuses back on his cooking.

Zane: That's good to hear.

Kara: Once he's awake, I request that he refrains from using the virtual avatar for now to give himself time to recover.

Zane: *chuckles* Like that will stop him. He's stubborn.

"Well, he does have a daughter waiting for him to wake up." Spider-Man pointed out

Gen Wolf chuckled to himself as he could sense Hitori and Melty squeezing Akatsuki like a plushie

*Theater 1*

"It's ok, girls. Papa's here." Akatsuki said in a soft voice

"Don't leave..." Hitori begged

"Please.." Melty whimpered

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