What's for breakfast?

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Kristen's POV:

We snuggled up in bed as soon as we got back from our walk. I made an appointment at a gynecologist in the city for the next day. We were both so excited, we couldn't wait any longer to get it confirmed. The night consisted of many kisses, caresses and loving words about how our lives were gonna change. We decided we didn't wanna work for a few years, except for small projects maybe. We wanted to make use of our fortunate situation and spend as much time as possible together as a family without any duties or having to travel across the world. We were gonna move back to L.A., because I loved the city too much not to raise my child there. I fell asleep spooned by Rob, who had his hands on my stomach, as if there was a bump already. He couldn't wait for it to grow. He whispered sweet nothings in my ear while falling asleep and continued with it in the morning. God.... How do I deserve this man? I love him to pieces.

Rob's POV:

My heart was racing as we prepared the special breakfast for my parents. It took everything I had not to act completely suspicious when they came in and started eating. I took Kristen's hand under the table and smiled at her. My mum got to it first. "What's this? There's something in my food!" She said and my hand became sweaty. She pulled out the handwritten note and before I knew it she was screaming, jumping up from her chair: "Oh my Gooood, oh my Gooood!!!!" She yelled, hugging us frantically. My dad had a confused look on his face, but then he read the note and - typically for a dad - he just said "Oh. We'll that's some great news, congratulations you two." Not one bit as enthusiastic as my mother. Nevertheless he hugged both of us and noted "I don't see a bump yet, how far are you, Kristen?"
"I just took the test yesterday, we haven't even had it confirmed yet, but I've had symptoms for some time. I have a doctor's appointment today. Rob couldn't wait to tell you guys." She smiled, I could already see the famous pregnancy glow on her. She looked absolutely stunning, even in her pj's. "Ohh right, the nausea, I see" my mother smirked. "Go get some champagne, Richard, and orange juice for Kristen! We have something to celebrate! I'm gonna be a grandmother!!! Finally!" She chanted.

Kristen's POV:

After many heartfelt hugs, we left his parents behind to see the doctor before heading to the cottage. Right now Rob and I were waiting for the doctor to return with the result. He took my hands in both of his and squeezed them gently. The way he looked at me had always been special (as we were told by everyone, our friends, our family, countless Twilight fans,.....). But his looks since I gave him the positive test..... it seemed impossible but they've reached a new level. His eyes were so adoring, so purely full of love.... I had to focus not to spill tears 24/7. Maybe that was the hormones already but I loved every second of it. We were gazing at each other when the doc came back in. "Congratulations, you're 5 weeks pregnant Miss Stewart." She smiled at us and we gasped. Although we had basically known before, getting it confirmed felt indescribable. Tears welled up in our eyes and we hugged each other for a long moment. The doctor interrupted our bubble. "Do you want to know your expected due date already?"
"YES PLEASE" we both said simultaneously. We were so excited.
"Let me see, you said your last period started on December 20th, right? So your due date should be...      September 26th!" She said.
"September 26th, 2023. Wow." Rob whispered, a tear rolling down his cheek.
"Were you trying for a long time, if you don't mind me asking?" The doctor questioned.
"No, not at all actually. We weren't actively trying at all to be honest..." I replied.
"Oh. I just figured, because you seem so extraordinarily happy. It's nice to see these strong kinds of reactions, and even from both parents. That's not the norm, unfortunately."
"I see" I responded, smiling at Rob. "We're very lucky I guess." I added.
"Do we get to see an ultrasound already? When will we know the gender?" Rob asked excitedly.
"Come back in two weeks for the chance of a first picture. As for the gender you'll have to wait two more months to be sure." She replied.

Rob's POV:

We arrived at our house before dark, the drive was shorter than expected. I parked the car in the driveway and opened the trunk to get our suitcases when I saw Kristen grabbing a huge bag from the backseat. "Stop baby, don't!! You're not supposed to carry heavy things!!! I'll get that, just wait for me inside."
"Oh Rob... this is gonna be fun. 9 months of an overprotective boyfriend." She laughed.
"I don't want anything to happen to our miracle, okay?" I justified myself.

We were stunned by how beautiful and comfy the little cottage was. There was a pond outside with a little bridge over it and a fireplace for cozy nights in the living room. It was the perfect romantic getaway.

We spent the days indulging in our bubble of happiness, enjoying every second together. I arranged for us to move back to L.A. as soon as possible. We decided to rent a suited family home, which we could later buy if we'd like to raise our baby there. Before we knew it, our time in England was over and we got back on the plane.

Kristen's POV:

My pregnancy symptoms have gotten worse in England. I was constantly tired and eating was a challenge. I threw up on a regular basis, but all of it was worth the joy both Rob and I felt every minute of every day. He held my belly every night and spoke to the little one regularly. It was the cutest thing ever. We decided to tell our friends and my family as soon as we were settled in L.A.. As for the public we decided not to say anything at all. They would put two and two together as soon as I was showing. We were cuddling on our flight to L.A. when Rob asked: "So do you think you'll want to give birth in a hospital?"
"Funny you bring that up now, I've thought about it like a minute ago. I think I'd really love a home birth in one of these pools, you know? Just having you there and one or two midwives. That would be a dream. What do you think, baby?"
"Well, if you're comfortable without a doctor or a hospital's equipment... sure... that sounds wonderful, love." He said, caressing me lovingly. "I'll meet with a possible midwive right after the appointment with my gynecologist in L.A. on Friday next week, I'll discuss it with her, okay?"
"Sounds perfect." Rob replied, leaning in to kiss me.....

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