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Rob's POV:

A few days after Kristen's grand announcement we were once again on the cover of about every magazine that exists in this country.

A few days after Kristen's grand announcement we were once again on the cover of about every magazine that exists in this country

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Oh well. I guess we were used to all the attention by now. We were currently at Kristen's checkup at the gynecologist.
"Would you like to know the gender if I can see it yet? Or should I take a look alone and give you an envelope to either give to some friends or open together in private?"
I looked at Kristen briefly, searching for her preference in her eyes. I could tell what the answer was.
"The envelope would be great." I answered and Kristen smiled approvingly.

Kristen's POV:

This time around we decided to skip the whole gender reveal party. We put Noelle to sleep together and retreated to our bedroom to open the envelope. I was so curious, I simply couldn't wait any longer.
"Oh my God. We'll finally be able to buy clothes and decorate the second nursery, baby! I totally wanna get them matching Converse in either black or red depending on the gender!! Can we open it now??" I babbled all excitedly.
"Sure, love. I'm dying to know as well. I'll pull out the sheet the other way round and flip it afterwards so we can take a look at the same time, ok?"
"Okay." I breathed. My hands trembled so much I wouldn't have been able to open it anyway.
Rob slowly opened the envelope with shaking hands...

Rob's POV:

Kristen smiled and jumped into my arms once we saw what was written on it.
"Oh my God!" I sobbed, hugging her to me.
"I can't believe we're having a girl and a boy!!!" Her voice was full of joy.
"Wow" I simply breathed in her hair, stroking her back.
We enjoyed the evening relishing in our excitement.
Snuggled up in bed, we started talking about possible names for our little bundles of joy.
"So we agree on Grace for our baby girl, right?" Kristen asked me.
"Yes, definitely, that's fixed! I'm not sure about our boy names though..." I admitted.
"I know we originally wanted unique names, but I'm not totally convinced lately...." She told me.
"Oh, I thought you were really into them!!" I was surprised.
"Well, I kinda still am, but I don't wanna pull a Kylie Jenner or anything of that nature. I want a timeless name that I'll love forever." Kristen said.
"I'm so glad you see it that way, too, babe. Do you have any preference in a more conventional name?" I asked.
"Well.... I was thinking about it a lot these last couple of days and there actually is a name that's really stuck in my head that I really love, but it's a pretty common one..."
"Which one?"
"...I thought of Michael... I think it's really cute - plus we both love Michael Jackson and I think it would be a cute tribute to him. What do you think, hun?"
I thought about it for a minute.
"I absolutely love it." I beamed at her, kissing all over her beautiful bump.

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