Kick it like baby

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Kristen's POV:

It was so much fun to be able to finally furnish and decorate the nursery. Rob and I were hanging up the mobile my parents had given us when I felt it: A little nudge inside me. I gasped. "Oh my!!" Rob's head shot in my direction. "What's wrong?" He asked, concerned. "I...I just felt him kick." I said, touching my belly. Rob had been feeling my bump countless times already, desperately hoping for a movement. He just couldn't wait for this experience. "Really?" He beamed, tears forming in his eyes. One could think he was the hormonal one here. "Yes, I think so." I smiled back at him, grabbing his hands to place them on my tummy. "I can't feel anything" He whispered. "Wait for it, maybe he moves again." I said softly. I positioned myself in his arms so he could hug me from behind. He rested his chin on my shoulder and waited. "There it is!!!" I shouted, about 3 minutes later. "Oh my God" Rob said, his voice breaking. "There's an actual baby inside of you" He added, hugging me tighter to his front. "This is incredible", he continued. "I know" I replied, my eyes welling up now, too. I turned around in his arms to kiss him and our little wonder in my stomach was joined by a swarm of butterflies. We stood by the empty crib making out for what felt like an hour. We just couldn't let go of each other. We spent the rest of the day in our bubble, cuddling, and enjoying little Noelle's activity.
Yup, we picked a name :)

Rob's POV:

The idea for one of Kristen's birthday presents came to me when I was laying in bed that night. I was wide awake, once again thinking about the future, looking forward to welcoming baby Noelle into this world. I felt the tiniest kicks every now and again while holding onto Kristen's bump, as I did every night since the day we found out. My son. I would be a dad. An actual father - not in a movie, but in real life. With the woman of my dreams since my early 20s... it all felt surreal at times. I wanted this journey of her pregnancy - the joyous excitement that grew with every day that passed - to last forever. That's when I knew what to give her for her birthday - beside the song I was working on whenever I had a minute to myself. A maternity photo shoot! That would be so cute, just the three of us, capturing this special time, maybe with the dogs. Oh yeah, she'd definitely love it. I kissed her hair, and she sighed contentedly in her sleep. I followed her into dreamland after enjoying a few more movements under my hands, feeling happier than ever.

 I followed her into dreamland after enjoying a few more movements under my hands, feeling happier than ever

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