As the weeks progressed, the house filled with baby equipment, the anticipation grew from day to day, and Kristen got more beautiful by the minute. How many times had I imagined her like this, even back in the Twilight days... her carrying my baby, literally glowing. She didn't complain about any symptoms, not even in the third trimester of the pregnancy. She was as tough as she had always been, rejoicing in her body's development. We had already bought the pool for the home birth because Kristen loathed the idea of delivering in a hospital. For our last vacation as a couple we decided to fly to Mexico to enjoy some more time together before the baby would come.
Kristen's POV:
The last weeks of summer consisted of one happy day following the previous. Rob took me to Mexico to wind down before the birth and do some sightseeing together. The scenery was absolutely stunning. We had the time of our lives. My mood in Mexico was mostly shaped by being.... horny AF... I felt like attacking Rob 24/7.... it felt as if all the years of being separated from him had caught up on my need for him these days. So we spent our vacation... enjoying each other's company.... till we had to fly back to run some last errands before the birth. As I crawled out of bed one morning Rob greeted me with the words: "Hey there little pumpkin" because the baby had reached the size of a small pumpkin by now. Later that day I was coming out of the shower when I suddenly felt a sharp pain. I've had some contractions before but never as strong as this time. There were only 3 more days until my calculated due date. I then realised that there was a puddle beneath me. "Shit! Rob?" I shouted. "My waters broke!!!"
Rob's POV:
On September 24th - just in time for fall - and after 19 hours of labor, our baby boy Noelle was born at our home. This last day had been the most emotional and exhausting hours of our lives, but once we heard little pumpkin's first cry, all of it was forgotten. Kristen was well, except - of course - completely drained. After the midwives left, we faced our first hours alone as our own little family. I took care of my baby boy for most of the hours of the first days so Kristen could recover from the exhausting birth. Her midwive checked back in with her every day to make sure she succeeded in breastfeeding and that our little pumpkin was fine. Noelle was perfectly developed and healthy. He was the biggest gift we could have ever asked for.
Kristen's POV:
All my expectations were surpassed. I had thought I could imagine what it would feel like to be a mother, but I was way off. I thought that the amount of love my body could produce had reached its limits with Rob alone, but it really did double with Noelle. He completed our life in the most beautiful way. Every moment of watching him slowly discover this world felt purely magical.
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