A few days after my 38th birthday, we started on the wedding preparations. We - well, mostly Kristen - was getting creative on the invitations for our Christmas wedding, which we set on December 22nd 2024. "Do you prefer the dark blue one or the golden one, baby?" She asked. "Hmm, I think - " I started, but Kristen held up a finger and jumped up - suddenly running towards the bathroom. I followed her and held back her hair, stroking her back while she was throwing up. It was the second time this week. "Oh baby, I'm so sorry... are you sick?" I asked her after she brushed her teeth. "I dont know..." she said, furrowing her brows in confusion. "Or... could you be....?" I didn't need to finish that question. Her eyes grew wide as she looked at me...
Kristen's POV:
My hands were shaking as I was taking the pregnancy test. "I'm done." I called Rob into the bathroom so we could wait together this time. He immediately took me into his arms, squeezing me to him while we waited. Our hearts were racing as the minutes dragged on. "Should I take a look, baby?" Rob eventually asked after what felt like an eternity, and I nodded at him. He let me go and turned towards the sink. "Oh my God" He said, his voice breaking but full of joy. I immediately looked at the stick in his shaking hands. There was a fat plus on the stick. My head began to spin and a hot wave washed over my whole body. Oh my goodness. I'm pregnant again. A million different thoughts ran through my head all at once, but they were interrupted by Rob's soft sob as he pulled me into his arms.
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Rob's POV:
I hugged her as tightly to me as I dared, considering her constitution. My love was pregnant again. My head felt hot and dizzy with joy. It took me a minute to realize that Kristen hadn't said a word since I had told her. I then noticed how limp her body felt in my tight embrace. Panic shot through me as I loosened my grip on her and discovered that her eyes were crossing. She was about to faint. "Oh no, baby, are you okay?!" I frantically shouted while trying to carefully lay her on the floor. "Yes" She finally whispered, trying to keep her eyes open. Her hand searched for mine while she was weakly smiling up at me. I put her legs on the bathtub to stabilize her, afraid that she'd lose consciousness. "Oh Rob" She sobbed and squeezed my hand. "We're having another baby!" she whispered, and a happy tear rolled down her cheek. I brought her hand to my lips, kissing her engagement ring tenderly. "Yes, love. I'm so happy, you have no idea..." I croaked out, crying as well at that point. She laughed. I felt so relieved that the color had returned to her cheeks. I took her face in my hands and leaned down to kiss her.
Kristen's POV:
He kissed me in the most gentle, loving, and joyous way. I felt dizzy from excitement. After a few more minutes of relishing the moment, we made an appointment at my gynecologist. The physician assistant picked up the phone, of course recognizing me right away. "Hello, Miss Stewart, how are you? I hope your baby boy is fine?" She asked. "Yes, he's perfectly fine, thank you." "Thats good to hear. What can I help you with? Do you just need a regular consultation?" "Well, kind of, I wanted to get my positive pregnancy test confirmed..." I told her. "Ohhh that's so wonderful!! Let me check your doctor's calendar!"
Rob's POV:
It felt like a major deja vu when we waited for Kristen's gynecologist to return with the results. I squeezed her hand reassurinly. Finally, the door opened and the doctor came back in. She was smiling at us, but for some reason I felt like her expression was somehow hesitant. "Congratulations! You're about five weeks pregnant, Miss Stewart." She said. " I would like to do an ultrasound in addition to the blood test, though, because your HCG is a little high." She added. "Oh, o-okay... sure." Kristen stammered in a worried voice. "Is that bad somehow?" I asked when the doctor was already preparing the ultrasound. "No, it could just mean...." she mumbled while already looking at the monitor. "Well, yup, I thought so, you're having twins!!" She exclaimed. Kristen and I both gasped. "Oh my God, are you sure?!" Kristen shouted, her eyes almost popping out of her head. "Yes, it's fraternal twins though, you can see the two sacs here!" "Ohh. My. God!!!! Can you believe it, baby? We're gonna have three babies at home soon!!!" I said excitedly. "Jesus fucking Christ!!!" Kristen responded completely taken aback by the news. "Wait, do you know the date yet?" She asked the doc. "Yeah, the due date is Januar 31, 2025, but twin pregnancies rarely reach that date. There generally are a few more things that you'll have to pay attention to when you're expecting twins. It's a good thing that you already had a baby before, that'll make many things easier for you. So don't worry, we'll talk about the precautions and differences to your first pregnancy as time goes on. For now just know not to freak out when you start showing very early on - most women start showing way earlier on their second pregnancy, even if it's just one baby. So with two you shouldn't be surprised if you pop pretty soon."