After the initial shock of being pregnant with twins, Rob and I spent every waking minute preparing for two more babies in the house, organizing the wedding and of course enjoying our time as a family with little Noelle. My gynecologist's prediction of showing early proofed to be quite accurate. We could literally watch my belly grow by the day, even in the first weeks of the pregnancy. "We should tell our families and friends soon, baby, don't you think?" I asked Rob one morning after throwing up for what felt like the 20th time. My morning sickness was way worse than it had been with Noelle. "I mean I don't want them to find out through the media, the way I'm showing already... Paparazzi could be lurking everywhere as you know..." I added. "You're right, love." Rob replied, grinning from ear to ear. God, I'd never get over his happiness. Being an expecting dad - as well as a baby daddy of course - excited him so much. It was the cutest thing ever. He never missed a doctor's appointment - he was just as eager and ecstatic about my pregnancy as last time, singing to our babies every night. My love for him seriously can't be described in words.
Rob's POV:
"Why don't we invite our friends over on Saturday and tell them in person?" I suggested "That's a sweet idea, I'll text them right away. And everybody who can't make it will get a card." Kristen said excitedly, happy to get creative again. "But we should tell your parents in person as well, don't you think? Mine will get a card this time, I can't wait for their reaction oh my God!!!" I said. "I have the best idea ever, Rob! I'm gonna order one of these 'big brother' romper suits for Noelle so he can just wear it when we visit my parents." "Awww, that's so cute baby. They're gonna be so excited!" I smiled.
Kristen's POV:
Rob and I tried not to act suspicious when our friends came over on the weekend. Thankfully, most of them were too preoccupied with Noelle anyway to notice our giddy behavior. I decided to drop the bomb after we finished eating. "Hey guys, we literally only have like two pictures of us all together. Cuddle up, I'll take a selfie, okay? Rob, come here!" I started a video instead of taking a picture and yelled: "I'm pregnant with twins!!!" Everybody screamed, but they all immediately thought I was pulling a prank on them. "No, but now that I look at you, you seriously seem to have gained a few, girl... but you're not actually preggo, are you?!" Ruby asked. "Yes, she is." Rob eventually told them, grinning from ear to ear now, finally showing his excitement. That seemed to convince them, because they all started to yell, jumping up and down and taking their turns to hug us. "OH MY GOD YOU GUYS!!!! 3 kids!! I can't believe it!!!" Suzie squealed. "We're so happy for you!! Noelle will be the sweetest older brother!!!!" Tom added. "When are you due, Kristen?" Ashley asked. "In January." I said. "Oh my Goood, that means that you're gonna be heavily pregnant at y'alls wedding!! Or are you gonna reschedule?" "We thought about it, but Kristen secretly loves the excuse for not having to dress up, so we decided to leave it as planned." Rob explained. "Wow!!! Simply wow! And twins! That's seriously incredible. I always knew you'd make the coolest babies, Rob! Two at a time without an artificial insemination. That's kinda rare isn't it?" "Yup, it is, but Rob's got the moves I guess." I laughed as everyone attacked us with questions. "Damn, congrats, guys. Two more reasons to celebrate tonight I guess!" Ruby lifted her glass and everybody toasted to us.
Rob's POV:
I lifted Noelle out of his baby car seat and took Kristen's hand as we approached her parents' porch. She wore an oversized t-shirt so the news wouldn't be given away before they spotted Noelle's outfit. We rang the doorbell and Kristen's mom opened the door. "Heyyy guys! Noelle, little munchkin, come to Nana!" She cooed and reached her arms out for him. I quickly looked at Kristen before I handed him to her. "Come here, baby boy." Jules said, at first not noticing the message on Noelle's tummy. We were on our way to the living room when she suddenly gasped. "Wait, you aren't trying to tell me something with this, are you, kids?" She shouted. "Why else do you think he's wearing that, mom? Just for fun or what" Kristen replied, rolling her eyes at her mother. "Ahhhh, no way guys!!!! You're pregnant again? John!!!!!! Get yo ass over here!!!" She yelled. "Who's pregnant?" John said, peeking his head through the door from the kitchen. "I am." Kristen said, beaming. "Oh, baby!!!" Jules screamed, hugging Kristen excitedly with Noelle still on her hip. "We haven't told you the best part yet." I told them smilingly. "Huh?" John looked at me questioningly. I couldn't hold back my grin, deciding to spill it: "We're having twins!!" "NO WAAAY" Jules screamed. "Oh wow! Congratulations, you two!" John said, hugging us to him. "Damn honey, how far along are you?" Her dad asked as he noticed her swollen belly. "Only two and a half months.... I don't wanna imagine what I'll look like in a few months. You can call me whale from now on I guess." She laughed jokingly, but we could all clearly see how proud she was of her bump already, just like with Noelle last year. She would be the most beautiful bride to ever walk this earth.
Kristen's POV:
"Rob? I'm done with the cards, what do you think?"
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"Wow, baby, they're so beautiful. The picture Suzie took of us at the party fits perfectly with it. I can't wait for their response!" He said, close to tears once again.