Chapter 19

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Warning: This chapter contains graphic violence!

You exchanged a worried look with Felix and then you gave each other a short nod before you followed Mitch into the woods. There was no way a slim boy like him could even have a chance against Thomas, not even if he attacked him from behind. Pan had proven enough that no lost boy was of any importance, so telling Thomas died during an argument would work. Or not telling him at all. He had done too much harm already and he would not be of any use after all his betrayals. The second you and Felix reached the two boys, you widened your eyes in surprise. Felix let out a small. astonished gasp, as if he could not believe his eyes. Mitch had jumped onto Thomas's  back and used his scarf to strangle the tall boy from behind, wrestling with him to get him onto the ground.

Felix acted quickly. He jumped to Mitch's side and assisted him to hold down his stronger opponent. As Thomas was held down and choking, Felix started to tie his hands behind his back with his own scarf. Then he aimed to hit his jaw, then another time for his nose, letting you hear a cracking sound. This situation was familiar to you. The irony. How you met Thomas, it would also end. The boy screamed in pain as the blood poured like rivers down his face. This time he had a broken nose from that hit. Not that it was of any importance from now on. The only thing you missed was a crowd for the show. Having the second in command beat up a boy for no reason; it would have been too easy. 

'Give me that!' You pointed at Mitch, and he gave you his scarf with a questioning face, until it suddenly brightened up, understanding your intentions. Without any remorse you stuffed the scarf into Thomas's mouth, muting any sounds coming from him. The boy started to fight with hands tied, but Felix' force was too strong.

'Great! Now what?' Felix asked with a glimpse of hesitation in his eyes, after all they were too close to the camp. You exchanged a look with Mitch and for a second you both seemed to have the same thought.

"We kill him, I say." The short boy looked confident. Thomas widened his eyes and started to squeal around while trying to jump to his feet and get away somehow. Felix did not look less surprised, but grabbed the boy by his hair and pulled him back in place to kneel on the cold ground. Even if he got away, Thomas would not get far. There was no way back now and letting him go was no option anymore or he would only bring more harm upon you. 

"Not the balls to kill a boy after so many girls?" Mitch then suddenly said out of the blue. He did not like Felix's unsatisfied look. The second in command gritted his teeth and gave Thomas another heavy punch to silence him. It was not like he was against it, but the squealing and whimpering along with this whole situation simply overwhelmed him. With a tense situation in the camp it was just too risky.

You glanced back to Mitch who gave you a last confirming nod, and you repeated the favor. Reaching out for the knife you found under Gleb’s nightstand, you thought it would be the final end. Your hand twitched dangerously and you took a last look at your hand before you acted. No second of hesitation. Everything happened so fast. With a quick, strong movement, you let the silver slide over the lost boy's neck, spilling his blood all over the forest floor. Felix immediately dropped the boy in a short impulse of shock, not really expecting you to do it without a warning. 

"Fucking warn me!" The second in command widened his eyes and jumped away so he would not get any blood on his clothes. With all the uncontrolled hunting on Neverland no one would question it so that would not be the problem.

'Now we dig.' You said dryly, while Thomas still choked on the ground. Felix stared at you with widened eyes, not a single word crossing his lips. Then he slightly shook his head, gathered his thoughts and answered with an approving nod.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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