Chapter 15

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Your body felt heavy from crying and the pain in your hands were coming in waves, as if you were cut over and over again. The deep wounds were nothing that bothered you, but seeing the tall lost boy lying dead on the hill, broke your heart over and over again. You desperately wished that the russian would open his eyes, but nothing happened. He kept being motionless. You buried your face another time into his side and let out a loud, shrilling scream of frustration. 

Screaming at the top of your lungs faded the sadness away, as anger replaced that emotion, burning through every cell in your body. You gritted your teeth and slowly raised to your feet, pulling the long, well known knife out of Gleb’s cold chest. 

It belonged to Felix. 

You were hundred percent sure about that, the second in command would always play with it when the other boys danced around the bonfire while he stared into the flames as if they would enchant him somehow. With heavy steps you walked back up to the camp, sneaking back in and walking over to the large clearing. You held the blood smeared knife tight inside your hand when your eyes detected Felix sitting under a big oak, his eyes were closed and his arms were crossed behind his back as if nothing in the world could bother him. 

You felt your heart beating faster and more tears formed in your swollen up eyes when you slowly stepped closer. The lost boy shifted his gaze to you when he heard some steps approach, just to jump in the right time aside, before the knife in your hand landed where he just sat.

‘WHAT THE FUCK?!’ He yelled and held his aching chest in shock, his gaze shifting from his own dagger to you. 'Where did you get-'

‘WHY DID YOU DO IT?’ You cried out, your voice shrilling all over the clearing. The lost boy knitted his eyebrows together and gave you an irritated look, not understanding this situation at all.

‘What the hell are you talking about?’ he asked and picked up his dagger in surprise. When he noticed the blood on it, his eyes widened, curiosity overcame his features.

‘You killed him!’ You whined and began to beat him as hard as you could. ‘I found your dagger in his chest!’ 

You beat harder and faster against his chest while countless tears flooded over your face, blurring your sight.

‘What? Who do you talk about-’ Felix tried to block himself with his arms, even though your punches didn’t hurt him anyways.’ I did nothing, I swear!’

‘I HATE YOU!’ You yelled and punched him another time. ‘I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!’

Felix's facade broke down and he took a deep breath, trying to catch your hands while you beat into him as if it were changing anything of Gleb's death.

'Calm down!' Felix yelled and embraced you with his arms to make it impossible for you to fight him. 

'FUCK YOU!' You cried out and still tried to struggle against his strength while you cried in his shirt. You hated yourself so much for liking that embracement so much.

'I did kill nobody.' He whispered and held you until you stopped fighting against him. You tilted your head to look up at him, still not believing him.

'You're a liar. Always been.' You whined. 'Gleb is dead and I found your dagger in his chest!' 

The lost boy kept silent for a moment, afraid to say something wrong. 'But I was here all night…' he spoke sadly. You ripped yourself out of his now loosened grip and stepped back. 'I believed you too many times.' You sniffled and walked away from him. Not a few steps away stood Pan, one of his eyebrows raised in curiosity and he carried the most grotesque smirk on his lips you ever saw. You frowned when he teleported in front of you. 

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