Chapter 8

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This chapter  is for you ❤

You sat on the table with the boys eating breakfest. For some strange reason nobody said a word, only a few boys chatted, but instead of hollering like they used to, they kept their voice low. It felt bad, an akward silence and yet, one place was still not seated. Felix hasn't been back yet and your heart felt like a stone when thinking about it. Your eyes wandered around, looking at each boy as if you felt watched. No one could know that you were the last person that have seen him.

The time went by until the sun had fully rised and still, no sign if the tall, blonde boy. The lost boys didn't seem to notice pr care, everyone did their duties, some who finished them joked around. You watched Liam and Ian chasing each other around trees while throwing sticks and stones at each other.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but weak bitches will never hurt me., you woods, taking your basket with you. While you collected flowers, fruits and plants the birds around you sang their beautiful song, the wind blew fresh air around your nose and the running river in the east splattered through the forest in effervescent rush. It felt like a dream. All the time you wasted time about being mad at so many people, time you could have used to enjoy Neverland's beauty. This Island was beyond beatiful, but dangerous within. No day passed without having someone injured,- once a few boys even died. Since then Pan had stopped bringing people regularly to the Island, instead they've got choosen. Only boys who felt alone and lost were welcomed. of course- the lost boys.

You weren't like the other boys,- first of all you were a girl, problem number one. Second thing, you came here to Neverland on accident- who the hell knew how.

The boys never seemed to hate you for being here, some of them welcomed you with heart eyes- the first girl in ages. Everyone, except Felix. He was the only one being all rough to you. Maybe one or two boys said some mean things, maybe even wanted to start a fight, but in the end they let you be. Felix saw that you came accidentally to Neverland and somehow he wanted you to go back where you came from.

I would if I could!

Not being sure about that you shook your head and sighted. Your tired feet brought you deeper into the woods, downhill into a small way leading to a path full of high bushes and narrow trees. You stumbled around before you fell over a big root and crashed to the wet floor. Gently you ripped of some leaves that got stuck on your clothes within the dirt on your skin. For a short moment your wrist burned and ached awfully, then your eyes catched a glimpse of what you had tripped over. It wasn't a root that caused you to stumble, in front of you layed Felix, almost hidden by bushes. The legs of the lost boy were spread wide out and he layed in a very uncomfortable way, his torso twisted so his upper part faced the dirt. In his right shoulder stucked an arrow. You gapsed at this sight with wide eyes  and for a second you stopped breathing.

'Felix... .'

Now you knew why he hasn't come back to the camp in the morning- or at all. The second in command was unconscious or at least slept, you weren't sure. You crawled over to him, forgetting about all the dirt and wet leaves, feeling bad of leaving him alone the other night. It took some while to pull his heavy body out of the bush, but as he didn't react you were sure that he was unconscious. His face was covered with blood from his nose and a few scratches covered his body. First of all you positioned the boy's body in a more comfortable position, before you pressed his head against your chest and sighted, not understanding why you did this.

Just leave!, a voice inside yelled.

But how could you leave him, this unconscious, innocent looking boy? You knew all the bad things he had done and ehat an asshole he was, no matter what he did, he always found a way to hurt you. Yet, your heart filled with sorrow and angst as you saw him lying in your arms, skin cold and a peacefully resting face. As you looked at it, he seemed so much nicer. His face looked like it was carved out of pale wood, flawless except the big scar reaching from his brows  down to his cheek. His eyelashes threw long shadows and his pink lips were slightly agape. You couldn't stop staring at him, admiring his features in a weird way. He was beautiful.

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