Chapter 13

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The way down to the beach was rocky and muddy, one stumbling block followed the other, that it was hardly possible to pass without falling. For some reason you felt euphoric enough to jump down swiftly and finally crashing down onto the soft, warm grass, which would cover a wide clearing with berry bushes, the most colourful flowers and thick trees, ranking up high into the sky with a big bushy crowns.In the forest you breathed in every way that was possible to expand: in lungs, in brain in soul. In the forest there was a sense of kinship with the flora, of an ancient soul that stretches into everything that lived. It was here under the nascent rays of a sun born to rise each day that you were so very alive. How could you not love the forest so? From simple seed, with mud, water and sun, came all this, these towering gentle giants that are so anchoring to all that you were. The parts of Neverland with forests were way more appealing than the jungle, even though it still confused you how the flora of Neverland could exist as it were now. It felt like it were a part of everyone's dreams.

The aura of the jungle, of a million wild souls, was as tangible as water when one bathed. It was another sense, one that came to the heart rather than the eyes, as soaked in richness as they were. The jungle was an assault on all senses. Green were the foreground, the background and as high up as you could see. The heat and humidity pressed in on the skin making sweat pointless. The sounds of the insects, the birds and the larger animals created a symphony of nature calling you deeper. The leaves brushed up against you and your feet sprung up with each step. The air tasted both sweet and fresh, like flowers blooming on your tongue, but sometimes there was a slight of mud besides. It didn't bother you at all, this place was magical and fascinating at once. 

You would never want to leave. How could you? This place was everything beyond beautiful. Your legs stumbled forward through the trees down to where you could hear the water crash against the shores.  At the sight of the ocean your heart started to beat faster.

The beach stretched out alongside the water, these constant friends chattering as the water came in her reassuring way, as if her joy was to soothe the sand. And in her wake she gave the chance for life, for the rock pools to refill. Those briny waves came as rain to them, a gift never repaid, as it always is with nature... the strong give, life thrives,-and so it goes on. 

'I did it.' You choked out as a lonely tear rolled down your dirty cheek, remaining for a brief moment at your trembling chin, before it dropped down to combine with the water beyond. The lonely soldier didn't went alone for long, as you suddenly started to cry and laugh hysterical at the same time. You reached with your hand to your chest to feel your body as if it just got trampled on and your lungs barely got air to breathe. You kept laughing and your body started to shake- maybe you looked crazy after all,- your eyes were underlined red and what were supposed to be your beautiful face, were covered in mud and scratches and a thousand tears.

The cool water lapped at your feet, fizzing and bubbling like brine. Even though the sun was beating on your back, beaming in your tired eyes, you couldn't help but smile as the wind caressed your face. Waves ahead roared and rolled down, crashing onto the shore with a soft hiss; peeling away at the deep bronze sand beneath your feet.

It took you a minute before that disturbing grin were washed away from your lips and the heavy breathing stopped, but when it did, you felt ready to go further into the water. There was a big rock towering out of it, with a small object on it that definitely looked like a box. Big stones stood high besides, stopping the sun's light to go any further.

'Clever thought, not clever enough. The box is hidden deep in the dark, exposed to the sun all day, but never seeing the light." The box was in the shadows of these giant rocks, the sun would never reach it.

'I DID IT!' You screamed and dropped onto your knees and closed your eyes to take a last deep breath of the salty air. 'I did it.'

The box wasn't far away, maybe three meter away, but if there was one thing that the wild life on Neverland taught you, then it was that there was always danger nearby the most beautiful places. You hesitated and buried your feet deeper into the sand, your shoes weren't waterproofed, so you bent down to open them, but when your eyes detected something in the water you stopped mid move. Your eyes meet the pair of a mermaid that had her head stretched out of the surface, just like the pond predator.  Her hair was black and hung half over her face, but you could see that these eyes were definitely not human. Whenever she blinked you could think this mermaid might be a snake. There was something odd with her behaviour, something you couldn't tell what. You just felt there was something wrong.  Again you moved to bend down and open your shoes, threw them over your shoulders before you waddled into the water. 

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