chapter 14

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It was dark when you opened your eyes again and your arms where freezing in the cool night breeze. You must have fallen asleep somehow, yet you didn't understand when and how. The cage was big enough for you so sit in and look outside, but it was everything else than comfortable. Something would always poke one of your limbs.  You started to cry silently and hugged your legs, trying to warm yourself up. Since no one was around you didn't bother and started to cry out louder, sobbing in frustration, sight blurry nose running.  At least Felix could have given you a blanket- your fingertips and toes started to feel numb and you desperately begged for the sun to rise up.

Something underneath you in the bushes started to rustle, causing you to stop crying. Your eyes beamed down and you covered your mouth and nose to avoid making more sounds. 

'Y/N?' A voice rang through the woods after a small moment.

You sighted relieved and pressed yourself at the bottom of the cage to look at the russian boy underneath it, your mouth curving into a tremulous smile. Gleb sat against the tree, his head lifted up to look at you. He seemed tired as if he waited all night for you to wake up. When he saw your movements he started to climb up the branches. The sound of rustling leaves and branches echoed through the silent night.

'Don't worry,' the broad boy exhaled as he reached a big branch besides your cage. His hand touching the wooden bars. 'He won't keep you in here forever- It's just a punishment.'

'J-j-just a p-p-punish-m-ment?!' You spat at him freezing in the cold. Your eyes were still filled with tears and you touched Gleb's warm hand through the bars. He flinched lightly and pierced you with his cool eyes. 

'I won't let him kill you.' He whispered and bent over to the cage. 'I promise!'

You smiled again and rested your head against the bars, when Gleb suddenly grabbed your cheek and lifted it up looking you deep in the eyes. After a brief moment, they wandered down to your lips, as if they were glued to them before he slowly bent his head down. He pressed his warm lips against your cold ones, removing them as quick as they were placed on yours. You missed the warmth immediately.

'I am always there when you need me!' He muttered, his breath still tickling your lips. You saw how his pale cheeks turned red and before you could say anything, the tall lost boy turned around and jumped his way back to the ground before running away into the dark.

You followed him with your eyes in disbelief, couldn't comprehend that Gleb just kissed you, as if he were just an illusion and everything was only in your mind. For a moment you had thought it was like back then with Felix, the moment Gleb bent over and stared at your lips. But he really did kiss you, unexpectedly, caughting you off guard. A weird tingling feeling spread inside your guts, replacing the cold that bit its way through to your bones. You even started to imagine that it wasn’t cold anymore, or maybe you were only too startled to think about that. 

The next hours you hoped to see someone again, but no one appeared. Gleb’s actions confused you more than ever- did he mean it? Or were this just a game for him, just like after spin the bottle? You feared to think about further mistakes or the choices you might had to take one day. All lost boys confused you, but no one more than Felix. He acted so nice, he wanted to protect you and even tried to… or did he? You weren’t even sure now if Felix really attempted to kiss you. If that were his intention, what stopped him? Overthinking wouldn’t help, but laying always in that position, drifting off into your thoughts were no way to stop yourself. Even though the cage was very uncomfortable, your own madness in your head created the perfect lullaby in your head, made of fantasies that will never happen, that slowly cradled you back to sleep. 

Your slumber didn’t last long, when you woke up, your neck hurt so much that you could hardly move your head. You remembered how you woke up in the middle of the night and how Gleb stole a quick kiss before vanishing. The cage was moving down and you wondered if it was the russian who came back and saved you.

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