Chapter 7

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You immediately stopped breathing, your eyes looked deeply in his and it felt like falling into the abyss. His smell filled your senses- he was sweaty and dirty, yet somewhat wanted him to be this close. On the other hand you had the urge to push him down. The second in command was so confusing, you never knew what he thought, if he hated you or not.

'I thought a lost boy never apologizes?' You smirked and tried to act cool. To be honest you didn't knew how to act- he sat so close in front of you, holding one arm against the tree to keep himself from falling. You felt nervous.

'No, you're right-'

He stopped talking and his eyes rushed down as footsteps, hardly audible, crashed against the ground.

'This way!' Someone yelled. 'I heard them over there!'

Felix's and your eyes widened and he jumped up, pulling you close as an arrow flew your way. All the insecurities you had just one moment before were gone and you held tightly onto Felix waist, not caring at all about the consequences. Despite all the effort, the boys gladly didn't find you, leaving you, hollering and full anger.

'I could have sworn I heard anything!' Justified the taller one before they head off, looking for somebody else. Loosening your grip in relief, your eyes wandered through the forest, avoiding to look at the second in command.

'This is insane.' You scoffed and wanted to climb down, possibly as far away from Felix as possible.

What would have happened if none of the boys had disturbed you?

Quickly you ignored the thought of Felix kissing you. He wouldn't- or would he? No of course not, it was stupid to even think that, you were stupid. And you weren't sure whether to like it or not.

'Hey where are you going!' Felix suddenly hissed and jumped down the branches to follow you. When he reached you, his hands held you by the collar of your shirt.

'This-,' you hissed and looked furious between his hand and eyes around, '-is what I meant!'

Slapping his hand away you climbed a bit up to be at his height.

'Don't fucking grab me like that. Don't act like you aren't trying to hurt me all the time!'

For the first time this day, his eyes darkened in anger and he looked like hr were about to push you. His eyebrows were pressed together and he held himself from screaming, he whispered in a loud way instead. ' When this fucking mermaid tried to drown you, it was me who jumped in and saved you! Do you think any other boy would do that for you? Fuck it, they rather let you drown than get killed, too! You don't belong to Neverland!'

Your eyes began to water again, your throat felt like it was tied up. He fucking hurt you again.

'I wish you've had let me drown!' You choked out, your eyes already watering, then made your way down as fast as possible, faster than you've been ever before. Felix hurried to catch up, but he had big trouple squeezing himself through the narrow woods. The last branch was too high to jump easily down, of course, Felix helped you up and you needed him to get down. Trying your best to dry your tears you sat there and waited for him to come down, to face you after your terrible try to escape.

You fucking idiot., you yelled at yourself and ignored the lost boy which slowly approached you, at least tried to. The lost boy sat awkwardly behind you, not knowing what to say.

'Should I help you down?' He asked unsure, yet without any anger in his voice. Moving his hand towards you, He decided not to do touch you and stopped.

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