Chapter 5

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It felt as if there were a smooth wooden shaft going through the pit of your stomach, with a crank on the end, and someone was beginning to turn it, methodically twisting your insides around it. Fear and terror appeared in your face.

Felix and another lost boy fought early in the morning, threwing knives and forks at each other, before Felix jumped over the table and smashed the other boy's head against the wooden table. You didn't knew the name of him, only that he were a good hunter, fulfilled with pride and arrogance and his face were always delightful to look at until now. Blood spilled from his nose and open wounds, the second in command threw the loose sack of boy onto the cold ground. His eyes were glowing in rage, the veins on his neck throbbing and he made an awful face of disgust. Like a sick monster he went back to eat like nothing had happened. No one else seemed to care either, so you decided it rather smart to just let it go.
'He, Y/N, mind joining some target practise, would ya?' Thomas suddenly asked and pulled you out of this loud mess of hollering boys, eating gross at a table. His brown eyes stared at you, but not like Felix's or Pan's. This one seemed soothing and warm, kind and somewhat innocent. Starring back felt like drowing in honey. His freckles covered his neat skin and sweat rolled down from his forehead where the sun burned his dark hair.

'I could.'

Thomas gave you a big smile with bright shining teeth and he closed his eyes a bit. A weird sensation flooded your body and the beat of your heart fastened. Thomas were the only one being nice to you, giving you a weird feeling to be attracted to him. He was handsome for sure but the thought of falling in love caused you to giggle.

'What's so funny?' Pan asked and walked up to you and Thomas. 'Y/N go get some firewood. Thomas go with Ian and train the boys.'

The lost boy obeyed and walked of. His broad shoulders vanished behind the trees of the jungle, leaving you all alone with Pan. You tilted your head and frowned. 'What on earth is wrong with you boys?' Meaning the Felix's fight.

Peter glared at you, rather amused than concered, before leting out an evil smile. 'There are no rules on Neverland. You know, we do what we want!'

Your smile dropped. He already told you this when you arrived on Neverland. This Island belonged to Pan, he knew whenever someone tried to leave. No escaping Neverland without his permission. Unnecessary by the opnion of the boys, no one would ever want to leave. They could fight whenever they want, party whenever they want, play whenever they want. It was a perfect world to everyone here, except you. As the only girl here it was hard to prove yourself. No boy took you serious, they didn't hurt you though. Tolerated but not accepted.

'Do you hate having me here?' You asked Pan and for the first time his smile dropped, leaving him worried instead.

'Of course not!' He sounded strict as if he were mad at you for questioning him. His hands lightly touched your shoulders and his face got closer, his eyes piercing through yours. 'You are one of us now. Never forget that, lost girl!'

You truly believed his words as you stumbled through the gloom forest, picking up sticks and wood to put in your basket. You didn't get choices much, maybe the only reason why you obeyed to do them, anything else could be reconsidered as ignroant. Except that everyone on this Island seemed ignorant. Everyone did what they wanted and what benefits him the most. So why did Felix beat up another boy? The second in commamd was a puzzle to you, you never knew what he thought. His worde echoed in your ears and suddenly you felt being watched again. He could be out there, stalking you, laughing because of your stupidity.

No, you were all alone. You checked out every inch of your surroundings, listened to the wind and the chirping birds. Nearby you could hear the water of the river flowing, a peaceful sound.

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