Chapter 2

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'I am home...' You thought in wonder and tilted your head, eyes narrowing, unbelieving, like a punch in the face that brought you back to reality after being sunk in thoughts.

'I am home.'

The sight of your sorounding gave you a kind of pleasure mixted up with kind of grief and disbelief, which you just could not understand. The warm sun brightened the house in which you sat right now, eating a small meal. Your friends would come over and they would talk about what you did that week. You smiled in excitement as you suddenly asked yourself a concern question: What did you do this weekend?

You could just not remember, not a single thing.

The last thing you could remember was that you were standing next to a blonde boy, his name was there, just not reachable for you right now, but he told you to be careful that mermaids were lurking nearby and then he began to walk next to the shallow lake.

'Y/N?' One of your friends ripped you out of your thoughts. 'You are fine. It's your birthday, remember?'

A birthday hat on your head and on top of the others reminded you. 'Oh..., you are right. How could I forgot?'

excactly, how could you? You don't even rembered wearing a party hat before. And who was this boy? Why were he talking about mermaids?


You felt strange. There was this feeling again, this feeling of being unsafe like when you felt watched in the woods. Something was wrong.

'Y/N!' A male voice screamed and you shrinked, checking hysterically your surrounding.

'What is wrong?' Anther friend of yours asked concerned and gave you a stern look.

'Didn't you hear that? Someone called my name!'

They shook their heads all in synchronisation, giving you the chills.

'There is no one calling you. You're safe here.'

Again you heard the voice.


Your throat suddennly ached and you felt bitternis in your mouth with tons of water. The voice called your name again, this time louder and more audible. Some sour taste appeared in your mouth and as you puked out all of the water, the sight of the real world became more blurry and you remembered Felix name and how he ran too fast away, so a mermaid grabbed your leg and tried to drown you.

Choking and coughing you tried to gasp for some air. Tons of water left your lungs, the terror fade away slowly.

'Fuck.' Felix mumbled and went shaking with his hand trough his wet hair. You still layed shaking on the cold ground, exhausted but breathing and you could swear you were for a short time dead.

'You fucking Idiot.' He shouted angry and clenched his jaw, then grabbed his hair frustrated as he looked upon the sky to the burning sun. He had the most furious gaze ever and with that you started to cry heavy out of frustration and stress from almost drowning, causing Felix to feel akward, not knowing what to do. His eyes left the sky and wandered to you, opening his mouth to say something, but just couldn't.

You didn't not how, maybe instinct or adrenaline, but somehow you managed to jump to your feet and run back to the woods, as far away as possible from the mean, coldhearted bastard, that doesn't know other to feel angry and agressive.

It got cold and windy, leaves were brushed into your face and low branches hit your wet clothes and caused you to flinch in pain as if you were hit as if Neverland whipped you away from a place you did not belong to.

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