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There WILL be typos, i don't usually go back and edit chapters. If you see a mistake. No you didn't.

I walked back to my desk placing my ice coffee down and logging back onto my computer. Today has been a slow day at work. It seems like the hours are dragging by. But it's been very calm and peaceful around the office.

Its always like this around the winter time.

I exhaled and looked out the large floor to ceiling windows to see the snow fall. I couldn't wait to be home wrapped in my large blanket. Maybe make some cookies. I was knocked out of my thoughts when someone stood in front of my cubicle

I looked up tilting my work glasses some as i eyed the man who looked down at me. His signature cold stare. Min Yoongi


Yoongi: Noelle could you please help me fix my presentation reports. There's a meeting in 10 minutes and Angela was supposed to have them all mocked up and in order by this morning. These are all wrong. There's information missing and they're not even in the right order. It would mean a lot to me if you could help me save face... Even if we could fix half of it and I'll wing the other half during the meeting.

I looked over his posture and mannerisms. He looked annoyed... but that was everyday with him. He was talking low and calm to me but his words were rushed and i could tell he was uspet. I'd be too. Angela always half assed her job and it resulted in everyone else having to double down and pick up her slack.

I took a sip from my coffee as he looked at me with pleading eyes

"Where is Angela now?"

he huffed

Yoongi: She went out on a snack run for the floor

I nodded. Figuring such. She jumped at any opportunity to be out of the office. It was nearly impossible to find her sitting at her desk for more than 10 minutes as she was always up to something.

"Could you do me a favor and grab some papers from the printer for me?"

He looked at me with a sad look before nodding slowly and walking away. I watched him turn the corner before clicking on the folder I had made with notes and information on the topics that needed to be discussed for todays meeting. Along with goals and charts. I printed it and sat back in my seat. Back to day dreaming about what I'd have for dinner.

Someone spoke knocking me out of my thoughts again. Looking up from my desk i was met with Sarah.. a close friend

Sarah: Hey babes! You're coming out to dinner with us right?

I sighed shaking my head

Sarah: COME ON BABE!!! you do this every year. we've all worked together for 3 going on 4 years now and every time we get together for any occasion i have to beg you to come.

She frowned

"You don't have to invite me out Sarah. you know I'd rather be at home"

Sarah: I KNOW I KNOW!! but we're like a big family here on floor 16. Come on. we always go out to eat every year tonight to celebrate the winter season. everyone's going you have to come.

I shrugged

"I really don't think anyone would care if i went or not"

Which in my eyes was true...I've known these people for years yes. But it's not like they know me. Granted it's no ones fault that i haven't opened up to them. But i honestly never really felt the need to. I'm fine like this. Alone. I've always found comfort in being alone.

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