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There WILL be typos, i don't usually go back and edit chapters. If you see a mistake. No you didn't.

I walked following namjoon's lead. we had stopped by this cool food spot and gotten take out. So i'm assuming that wasn't exactly what he was talking about when he said he wanted to show me something. He reached back extending his hand to me and i grabbed it. pulling me into his side he took a detour onto a path. At first i was concerned for my shoes but it was a pretty clear and clean pathway. 

We eventually made it to a park. My eyes danced all over the area. I didn't say much just took everything in. it was very clean and peaceful. I looked up and him. His eyes locked ahead of him. I liked that i never felt pressured to hold conversation when i was with him. He just simply existed. No need to be anything more than as you are in the moment with him. 

I huffed in content leaning into him more as he guided me. I looked up into the sky.. All the clouds looked so pretty today. It was a clear day. the sun shined bright... There wasn't too much wind. The perfect day honestly. 

I yelped when i slammed into namjoon's back. He had stopped walking but i was too busy looking at the clouds. He turned around quickly to check on me. 

Namjoon: Are you alright?

I chuckled

"Yea im fine.. just a little embarrassed. Over all i'm just happy i didn't drop all of our food." 

I said checking over the bag in my arms. 

Namjoon: Okay well.. we're here.

I looked around us to see we were off in another part of the park. It was a small clearing surrounded by small bushes and trees on both sides. a little picnic table and a bench sat not too far away from each other. the bushes had flowers covering them and their was a little pond as well. separated from the huge lake that sat in the center of the giant park. 

Do you come to this park often? I asked as he guided me to sit at the bench. He nodded his head. 

Namjoon: Yes i have a friend who stays here and i visit him often

I looked at him confused as he reached thru our bag of food and pulled out some bread. he turned away from me looking at a specific bush before squatting and calling out. 

Namjoon: Jack come out.... I know you're there. I didn't see you swimming in the pond. 

There was no response... I scrunched my face. So.... like does he mean a homeless man? I-......I don't judge but i wasn't expecting to be introduce to someone like that. Why not set them up in a shelter or find a nice place for them to stay?

namjoon smacked his lips and stomped his feet.

Namjoon: Stop being stubborn... you weren't in the lake either i know you're in there and im not giving you bread until you come out. 

The bush rattled a bit causing me to gasp. I was not expecting that. 

Namjoon: Fine... me and my lady friend will eat all the bread... And to think i stopped at your favorite place. 

He turned and walked towards me with a smirk on his face. Only to turn back around as the bush rattled and and large goose came walking out. 

I gasped. 

Namjoon: JACKKKKKK you came... took you long enough you bastard...why do you always play hard to get. im literally the only one who actually brings you food.

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