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There WILL be typos, i don't usually go back and edit chapters. If you see a mistake. No you didn't.

I bobbed my head to the low beat playing in my headphones. I was at the game Mart. They were having a fair today and i wanted to see if there were any sales.

I haven't been to the game mart in over a month but I could use some new games and a new storage drive for my switch.

I've been here for about an hour and I was kind of hungry. I could always leave to eat and come back but i wanted to make sure i snatched a copy of the new mario game first then go eat. I need to buy an extra charger for my switch to leave at work. I'll play it on my lunch break.

I stood at the stall that was a lot less busy then i'd thought it would be. But it's early there is lots of people here. Im sure it'll be even more crowded after lunch though.

The guys smiled and I spoke

"Hi -I'd like a copy of the new mario game please"

Me and the person beside me spoke at the same time.

Looking over i was met with Jin who stared down at me before gasping

Jin: O my goodness. we have to stop running into each other like this

I gave him a small smile before making a corny joke.

"Yea... same wine preference and games!? I'm starting to think you're my dream man"

I chuckled lightly but when i looked back over at him he was staring at me with a look i couldn't read.. It was very kind tho so i guess that was good. He blinked a few times before smiling.

he turned back to the man who had pulled both copies out.

All together?

the guy asked. before i could answer jin nodded and handed him his card. I frowned

"I could have bought it myself"

Jin: You sure? I assumed your dream man would pamper his woman

I was a little taken back, but i smiled at his response to my joke.

We turned around and began walking off together.

Jin: So which stall are you going to next?

"actually... I'm really hungry. I was thinking of going to get food then coming back afterwards"

He smiled clapping his hands

Jin: OOO that's sounds perfect. I could eat. I know a cool cafe that's close by. Would you allow your dream man to take you?

Before i could speak someone came running over

"HYUNG!!! I GOT IT. i got the limited edition controller before they ran out!!"

Looking up we were met with Jungkook. who might i add, looked sexy in his comfortable attire. He seemed so happy. Im still not used to his tattoos. They do complement him well. but i only ever see them fully when i see him outside of work. Which isn't often but has been more than usual lately.

He was jumping around but stopped when he noticed me.

Jk: Oh? Noelle. You come to Game mart too?

He looked me from head to toe.

"Yes, I haven't been much lately. But i wanted to buy a few things today"

Jk: ahhhh Okay. So you'll be walking with us?

Jin: Actually. Noelle is hungry. You scored your remote and we've got our new game. We were thinking of going to get some food then coming back to do more shopping

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