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There WILL be typos, i don't usually go back and edit chapters. If you see a mistake. No you didn't.

I sat rubbing JK's shoulder, trying to calm him down. I knew he had somewhat of a temper when it comes to these things, but I didn't realize it was this strong. In the beginning of the game he was winning, but apparently he wins a lot of these games. so Sarah and Tae teamed up against him. Now tae is in first place, Sarah is in second and JK is last.

" it's okay, you can still come back right"

He huffed shaking his head.

Jk: no it's too late in the game now.

I looked down at my watch and realized we still had around 20 minutes before lunch ended. I stood up grabbing my wallet.

" OK how about I pay for one more game? Everyone will play fair, and the best person will win."

He sat up and smiled at me before grabbing his drink, and taking a sip. He was smiling so hard, and when I went to mention it, he turned away from me. I just laughed it off and told everyone I was going to pay for another game. But tae stood up and said he'd come with me. On the way back he stopped me to talk.

Tae: hey, thank you for coming. I know we don't get time to talk much one on one. But there's this place I'd really like to take you tonight. And I was wondering if you'd come with me. They have really good food. The salmons good and Sarah told me you're a big fan of it.

I nodded my head.

Tae: maybe I can pick you up from your place tonight?

I nodded my head again. Cool, means I won't have to cook tonight and I get a free meal. Plus I'm never turning down salmon.

He smiled and placed his hand on my lower back guiding me back over to Sarah and jk.

Lunch was over. I'd exit the elevator and made my way over to my office finding the door cracked. Which was odd bc I remember closing it when I left. Opening it and walking inside I was met with a tiny box that sat on my desk. A pretty bow sat at the top and there was a note

~ a good luck charm for your new office~ - from your husband, Jin.

I opened the box to find a tiny figurine, it was really cute and reminded me of the ones he kept around his desk. I smiled snapping a picture and decided to send it to Sarah before getting back to work.

I had just walked away from the printer, I had printed a multiple choice ballet. To get the offices opinions on the themes i came up with for the next upcoming office gathering. There were five ideas listed and at the instructions read to circle their favorite option and live the small paper on the corner of their desk or top of cubicle so that i can come by and pick them up later. After tallying everything up I'll send an email out to let people know which theme won.

I walked around the floor placing them on peoples desk when one of my colleagues spoke
Trevon: Oh we have a gathering coming up? Sweet this'll be the first one you host for us huh?

He said while grabbing the slip from me and reading it
I nodded at him
"Yep, I'm actually kind of excited."

Trevon: Shit me too, they were always so corny before. You could tell ole girl never put any thought or effort into them... ooo look at the options! You're giving us a say!? Lit. Here lemme circle mine and give it back to you right now. Things are starting to look up for the floor honestly.

I smiled bout to speak when someone placed their hand on my shoulder

I looked over just as that person spoke.

John: I know right. We're honestly so lucky to have her on our floor huh?

I cringed and looked over at Trevon who gave him a "who asked you" look before slowly handing me the slip back as i scooted away from john. Trevon and I exchanged a look and i had to hold in my laugh. While he scuffed shaking his head and john who look confused but was called away by someone else before he could even say anything.

I kept walking around and making small talk with people as i handed out the slips. It worked better than i expected because most people opted for circling their choice in front of me then handing them back to me.

I had so many in my hand as i walked back towards my office but was stopped by a hand on my side, i got spooked and stopped walking. The person gently turned me around and i was surprised to see Jin.

"Oh hiii Jin! What's up? Oh thank you so much for the good luck charm. I loved it"

He smiled at me. His ears turning red.

Jin: Oh please don't mention it. I was just curious as to what it was you were passing out? I didn't get one.

He said staring at my hands. I smiled.

"Omg i totally forgot to go to you and the rest of the guys. I'm letting everyone vote on the theme for the next office party. Here take a slip. I'll go give one to the rest of the boys."

He politely took the slip from my hand and read over it.

Jin: No need, I'll tell them for you.

I nodded and turned back around to go towards my office. Once i got inside i sat the slips down and pulled up my sheets doc. Then began counting an tallying up each vote. Expecting to get an email from Jin about what he and the others chose. Instead my phone went off. Dinging over and over i was so confused. I reached into my purse and grabbed it seeing that i was put in a group chat and there were so many unsaved numbers spamming it.

I only realized it was them because as I scrolled through some of the messages i saw tae and jk arguing about theme was better than the other.
"Jk that's so lame"
"Tae you have the shitiest taste when it comes to choosing themes. Please shut up..."
"Why are you laughing Jimin you always just choose whatever everyone else chooses.. too scared to be different"
"Nuh Uhh"

I shook my head laughing and locked my phone before putting it back in my bag. Remembering the the choices they chose and adding it to the spreadsheet.

There's still time for people to get their votes in but there's already one choice doing way
Better than the others so i loading it google on my second monitor and started looking for things i could buy for that theme just in case. I also have to look into catering. That's something that'll need to be done no matter the theme so I can't forget that.

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