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There WILL be typos, i don't usually go back and edit chapters. If you see a mistake. No you didn't.


I walked out of my office to grab something from Jungkook's cubicle when i noticed Noelle knocked out in her chair. I scrunched my face up. It was late and i was one of the last people to leave the office. I even told jin I'd be late to dinner tonight... why is she still here.

Walking over i looked at her screen to see that she was working on meeting notes... Or she had just finished There was a 32 page power point that had info in great detail. I've always been impressed with her work.

I saved it then printed it. before walking to the printer to get it. Setting the pages on her desk I logged out of everything before tapping her to wake her up.

Noelle: HUh!? Oh Mr. Jung. I didn't realize i fell asleep.

I frowned

"Just jhope is fine. It's late.. Lets go get some food in you."

I helped her stand up and grab all of her things

"Meet me at the elevator."

she nodded and began walking off as i jogged back to my office.

I walked into the office smiling. Last nights dinner was a success and all the guys were happy that i bought Noelle home with me. She insisted on driving but I convinced her to let me drive her and have sarah drop her off at home. They agreed on sarah driving her to work today.

I walked in seeing Noelle looking around her desk.

"Hi Noelle... What ya doing?"

she frowned

Noelle: I could have sworn there was a printed copy of my work on my desk when we left last night. Maybe I was just dazed due to sleep..

It was my turn to frown

"Actually yeah. there was. I remember printing it and putting it there before i logged you out last night. Lemme go put my things away in my office and I'll ask around"

she nodded and i walked away. Even though she didn't talk too much and let us lead every convo. I think she was opening up to us last night. It's a step up if anything so i'm happy. After sitting my things down i heard yoongi's voice after I walked out of my office

Yoongi: Wow Angela... I don't know what to say. I'm shocked really. I mean, i had assigned this task to Noelle for the upcoming meeting. But she hadn't gotten back to me yet. These are nice and well definitely come in handy. Good job


I walked around the corner to see her standing in front of both Namjoon and yoongi. Namjoon looking over yoongi's shoulder at the papers he was skimming thru. The same papers i printed for noelle last night.

I marched over raising a brow. Angela was cheesing standing in front of them bouncing lightly

"Whats going on here?"

Namjoon: Angela shocked us this morning.. she brought yoongi completed notes for his next meeting.

"Did she really?"

I asked unimpressed

Yoongi slid them over to me and i grabbed them fake skimming thru them

Yoongi: They're good right?

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