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There WILL be typos, i don't usually go back and edit chapters. If you see a mistake. No you didn't.

I dried off my hands before making my way back to my desk where i found a tiny box sitting in front of my keyboard. I peaked inside before grabbing it and walking around the floor.

Finally i found namjoon standing in front of the storage closet trying to get in

"whatcha doing Mr. Kim"

He peaked over his shoulder looking at me

Namjoon: We've been working together for years Noelle please stop being so formal with me

I shrugged

Namjoon sighed turning around and run his hands thru his hair.

Namjoon: Hey this might be a stretch but you wouldn't happen to have some glue would you?

"no.... but I think this might help"

I pulled the box from behind my pack and stretched it to him. he grabbed it opening it up and gasped

Namjoon: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! NOELLE!!!! you are a life saver

I squealed when i was pulled into a hug. he rocked us back and forth before kissing the top of my head

I ignored it. assuming he didn't realize he did it. I've only ever hugged namjoon once before. so maybe he was just so happy in the moment that he couldn't help but hug me.

who knows.

he raced off passed me in the direction of jin's desk


Before i could tell him i wasn't attending he was already out of sight.

The guys sat back in the private room booked by the group as everyone from their floor drunk and talked while eating...

Their eyes scanning over everyone until they found Noelle sitting alone eating silently

Jungkook: Sometimes i want to talk to her but i just never know what to say. Sarah usually carries the convos when Noelle is involved.

Jin: It really shouldn't feel this way.. we've known her for years.

Jhope: True... but do we really know her? Sarah knows her better than anyone. she rarely talks to us unless she has to

Yoongi: I don't have to know her to know that she's a good person and i like her.

He shrugged sipping from his drink

Jimin: Is this all because she helped you out this morning?

Yoongi mugged him

Yoongi: No... but that helps

Namjoon: Yoongi is right she is a good person. she even helped me out today.

Jin: really? what did you need help with? why didn't you ask one of us?

JK and Tae laughed

Namjoon: Just forget it

he mumbled looking away and sipping his drink.

Taehyung: Maybe we should try and talk to her?

Jungkook: Welp looks like some bozo already beat us to it

he mugged as John walked over to Noelle with his plate and sat next to her, he was trying to engage her in a conversation as they ate

Jimin frowned

Jimin: Johns a nice guy and all... but i always feel like he forces it when it comes to Noelle.

Namjoon: I've noticed him go out of his way to walk by her desk at times hoping to start conversations.

Taehyung: She barely acknowledged him when he spoke up in our conversation earlier.

Jin: Maybe he just wants to be friends with her?

Jhope shook his head

Jhope: Nah... he gets this look in his eye when he see's her. Plus. Johns newer to the office. If anyone deserves a deeper friendship with her it's us.

Yoongi: well that's something you earn by taking the time out to get to know someone. He's been trying to do that. We've been friends with her for years and haven't done so..

Jimin: Can we really consider ourselves her friends?

Jungkook: Jimin's right.. how do we know if she even thinks of us as friends

Jin: Of course she does... well at least i think so

Namjoon: I hugged her today

All the boys eyes went wide and they looked at him

Jungkook: Did she... did she hug back?

Namjoon: Ehh kinda. she let me hold her and rock her side to side... i got carried away and kissed the top of her head. but i don't think she cared. she didn't react in a negative way

Jin gasped

Jin: WHAT!?? when was this? why were you hugging her to begin with.

Namjoon turned pale

Namjoon: That's not important

Jungkook and tae laughed again.

Jhope: Well.... either way. I say we try to develop a deeper friendship with her.

Yoongi groaned

Yoongi: I don't want to share her with you all

he mugged them

Jin: HEY!? you don't own her. plus she'll like being friends with me more than you guys

Yoongi: Bullshit

Jin gasped

Jin: Take that back you whore

All the guys laughed and drinked the rest of the night away while Noelle makes small talk to John in the corner who refuses to leave her alone because he thinks she'll be sad.. but truthfully she'd just rather be at home.

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