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There WILL be typos, i don't usually go back and edit chapters. If you see a mistake. No you didn't.

I walked into the office nodding at a few people who spoke to me. I paused once i got to my cubicle. There was some flowers on the desk as well as an Ice coffee. I sat my bag down before grabbing the little card that read

"Thank you!" - Min Yoongi

I smiled... This was definitely unexpected. Fixing my desk around I took a sip of the coffee and let out an little moan. leaning back in my seat. but jumped at the sound of a light chuckle

Yoongi: I'm glad you're liking your coffee

I smiled looking away from him, Grabbing my blue light glasses for my computer.

"Yes, this was very kind of you. You didn't have to do all of this"

Yoongi: Well you did help me last minute. The meeting went great and the presentation was smooth with no hiccups.

I nodded

"That's good to know and im glad you were satisfied with my help. But i was only doing my job Mr. Min"

i said while logging in my computer

Yoongi: Even so.... you helped me out a lot... Maybe I could return the favor?

I raised a brow at him before looking back at my desktop

"That's really not necessary"

Yoongi: But i want to do it.

before i could answer Namjoon walked up holding a small box that read "Krispy kreme"

Namjoon: Hey Yoongs, Good morning Noelle

"Good morning Mr. Ki-"

he glared at me and i coughed a bit.

"Good morning Namjoon"

He smiled showing off his dimples before sitting the box on my desk.

Namjoon: Here. these are for you.. I asked sarah and got all of your favorites.

"Wait what? why... i don't understand"

before i could respond Yoongi groaned and Angela walked over

Angela: OOOOO Namjoon you bought Donuts for the office?

she asked excited reaching over to open the box but he popped her hand mugging her

Namjoon: Angela I've told you on several occasions that it's Mr. Kim. and these are for Noelle. Don't you have papers you should be faxing.

She nodded quickly speed walking away..

Yoongi: Gosh I'm so tired of her

Namjoon huffed and i reached over grabbing a donut and taking a bite

"Cut her some slack... she's getting a little better"

Namjoon: You and i both know that's not true. and don't take up for her. you're the one who ends up covering all her slack.

I frowned finishing my donut. he was right.

Namjoon: What brings you over this early Yoongi? You always lock yourself in your office all morning unless there's a meeting or something

Namjoon asked leaning on my desk as i typed away.

Yoongi: Oh right. I was just asking Noelle if she wanted to get dinner with me tonight.

I froze.. my fingers hovering over my keyboard. turning slightly both men where looking at me.

"I.... y-you where?"

i asked slowly.

Yoongi: Well.. now that i think about it. It seems more fitting to invite you out to lunch. What do you say? would you like to join me for lunch today? As a thank you for all your help.

"I-...well...That's really not necessary"

Namjoon: Actually.. yoongi that's a great idea. Mind if i tag along? I'll buy deserts?

they looked at each other almost like having a silent conversation before nodding. then looking my way.

I wanted to make an excuse but i decided to just give them a simple nod hoping they'd forget about it later.

"Okay. I'll see you both then"

Yoongi nodded walking away with a smiling Namjoon. I continued on with my work until i got a call from Sarah. she was calling from her desk. I slipped on my head set and answered the call and listened to her gossip.

I was too busy typing away on my desktop. my glasses sat high on my nose. My face was close to the screen. I froze when my name was being called

Namjoon: Ughh uhh Ms. Jenkins. No working thru lunch today... We had a date planned for lunch remember?

I turned around slowly seeing him standing behind my chair and Yoongi looking off to the side with his hands in his pockets

"Oh? you guys still want to get lunch? I thought you'd forget and go with your other office friends"

Yoongi scuffed walking over and saving my progress before logging out and Namjoon pulled me out of my seat. Taking my glasses off of my face and placing them down.

Yoongi: You wont get out of this one Noelle. Come now.

he said walking ahead.. I reached over to grab my bag with my wallet but namjoon grabbed my wrist pulling me away from my desk. waving my phone in his other hand

"Oh i just need to grab my wallet"

Namjoon: Nope.. everything's on us today

We stood outside of the elevator. I stood silently saying nothing

Namjoon: How has your day been so far noelle.

I nodded

"Fine can't complain"

Yoongi looked back at me

Yoongi: feel like eating anything specific?

I looked up at him

"Salmon please"

he smiled at me. it was the first time I'd seen him smile

We looked off into the distance as the elevator door opened

Angela: Has anyone seen Mr. Kim? I was thinking about asking him to lunch. Maybe discuss a possible promotion.

Yoongi scuffed stepping into the elevator and Namjoon pushed my lower back. making me fly in before stepping in quickly and pressing the close door button.

I fell into yoongi's chest but he caught me with one hand and rubbed my back with his other. I turned around awkwardly facing Namjoon who scratched the back of his neck

Namjoon: Sorry.. she's been bothering me all day. I need a break.

Lunch was nice. I had decent conversation with both men. Yoongi was more talkative then ever. Which was weird, i haven't known him to speak much unless necessary

He fed me some food from his plate which felt intimate in a way. But i ignored the feeling telling myself i read to much into it. I assumed he's just nervous around me since we haven't spoken much so he acted on a whim.

Namjoon held good convos and I learned we had a lot in common. we both enjoy art and plants. He bought me some brownies after lunch on the way back and honestly they were the best brownies I'd had in a while.

Over all I'm kind of glad I ended up going to lunch with them.

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