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There WILL be typos, i don't usually go back and edit chapters. If you see a mistake. No you didn't.

It's been 2 weeks, me and jin's inside joke is still going strong between us. it was the end of the day and i was saving some last minute notes and documents before logging out for the day.

There was a double knock on my cubicle and i turned expecting to see Jk and thats exactly who i saw. He always knocks twice.

"Hey kookie whats up"

Jk: I've been running around the entire office looking for your hubby. I need him to sign something before i clock out. do you know where he is.

I chuckled.

"Yea if i'm remembering correctly... he's in Namjoon's office going over some final things before a presentation on Monday"

Jk: Sweet! thanks noona.. oh by the way yoongi is asking for you

i nodded logging out

"Okay i'll be right over."

he smiled walking away. I packed my things up and placed them neatly on my desk. before making my way to yoongi's office. I knocked and he answered softly

Yoongi: Come in

I Walked in while fixing my hair.

"Hello Mr.Min you wanted to see me?"

he looked up while standing and walking around the front of his desk before leaning backwards on it

Yoongi: Yes come in.. close the door, and stop calling me Mr.Min i told you not to address me as such when we are alone.

I closed the door and walked up some standing in front of him

"I'm sorry Mr. Yoongi, is it anything i can do for you?"

I asked innocently and he raised a brow at me

Yoongi: Yoongi is fine.

i looked down at his attire. his suit jacket resting on the back of his chair.

i zoned back in when his fingers gripped my chin forcing me to look back over at him

Yoongi: Noelle.....did you think  about my offer

i shrugged looking away.

"I did.... but i doesn't seem necessary to. I'm already hammered with work and the promotion would give me more responsibilities that i'm not sure i want at the moment"

Yoongi scuffed

Yoongi: Okay so take it and i'll disperse the workload... it'll basically be the same

"Then what's the point of the promotion, higher pay and a free office?"

it was my turn to raise a brow.

he pulled me into him by my waist causing me to gasp

Yoongi: And if it is... so what i'm the boss... maybe it's my way of getting you out of a cubicle and into a more secluded environment. you seem quite popular as of late. I'm sure you'd like the alone time?

he was right. he was the head of this entire section after all.

I rose my hands up to place them on his shoulders

"Yoongi... why do we keep ending up like this?"

i asked lowly.... this was the third time in the past 2 weeks that he'd find a way to get me alone and serenade me. His hands slowly traveled down my back and to my hips where they sat before there was a knock on the door

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