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There WILL be typos, i don't usually go back and edit chapters. If you see a mistake. No you didn't.

Noelle paused hunching over to regulate herself. She needed some water. Grabbing her phone she noticed a notification that said her insta cart driver was nearby.


She thought. As she exited her room and walked into the kitchen to find Tae scrolling on his phone and sipping from a cup of water.

Noelle: Oh hey tae. How long have you been here

Tae looked up from his phone smiling at her.

Tae: Not long.

He said while locking his phone. He assumed she was asking how long he had been in the kitchen.

Noelle: I ordered groceries to be delivered. They should be here very soon. I was planning on cooking for everyone tonight.

Tae leaned back on the bar stool. He was trying to be present in the conversation but he watched her as she sipped from her bottle of water and couldn't help but vision her dancing the way she was in her room. It was a huge contrast to how calm and well behaved she was in this moment.

Tae: Really? What did you have in mind?

Noelle: Maybe some steak bites and loaded mash potatoes.

Tae licked his lips slowly and hummed.

Tae: That sounds really good actually. I know the guys will love it.

Noelle: Great. I haven't cooked for you all before so I was a bit worried.

Tae: No need to worry. I'm sure they'd eat anything you make.

Noelle: And you?

She asked, placing her phone on the counter top and looking over at him.

He only smiled at her without breaking eye contact. He felt like being risky. It was no one but the two of them around and he wanted to test just how far he could push her buttons for once.

Tae: Sure I'd taste your cooking, but I'd really like to taste you if we're being honest.

Noelle's eyes went wide at his reply. At first she was shocked and thinking of things she could say to deescalate the situation but then she remembered the pep talk she gave herself in the shower.

She leaned up against the island in front of him.

Noelle: I never took you for a munch but now that I'm thinking about it, it makes so much sense.

Tae chuckled at her rebuttal. He was playing it cool but on the inside he was screaming. He'd never been so straight forward with her and he sure as hell wasn't expecting her to entertain his statement.

Tae: Would you like to test my skills? We have the house to ourselves at the moment. You could get as loud as you want.

He stood up leaning in towards her. But before she could reply. The doorbell rang and immediately after Noelle's phone chimed.

She looked down, grabbing it.

Noelle: Oh that's the groceries. Come give me a hand.

Tae watched her turn and walk away like nothing happened. He shook his head at his own thoughts as he watched her hips sway when she walked. He smirked to himself following her to the front door.

This was going to be fun.

Jk followed Jimin into the home as he loosened his neck tie. He was very tired and honestly just wanted to shower and rest. Jimin had stopped abruptly in front of him causing him to run into the shorter man's back. He had to stop himself from getting irritated. He hadn't had much to eat today and was running on a small fuse.

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