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There WILL be typos, i don't usually go back and edit chapters. If you see a mistake. No you didn't.

I hummed lightly as i took a bite out of my steak. It was so plump and juicy.. Don't even get me started on the mash potatoes.

Sarah: Gurl!? are you even listening to me....?

I zoned back into sarah staring at me trying not to laugh

"Huh? No I'm sorry... I was really enjoying my meal, where did you leave off again?"

Sarah: Okay so you know how john's always been a little weird? I just figured it was his personality. I was talking to some of our coworkers.. you know how i am. Ms. Social butterfly.

I nodded chewing my food.

She's always been that way. Lots of us got close or only know each other outside of the office because of outings she's forced us all on. that's just who she is. she likes to make some kind of memories with everyone she knows. Not really my cup of tea. but not the worst thing in the world either.

Sarah: So anyways... i was asking some people if they wanted to go out for a meal after work or maybe grab a quick drink talk about anything new. But everyone already had individual plans... so we were trying to figure out a day we'd all be free after work to hang out when John walked over telling me he knew a nice place that was underrated and would eat with me there after work if i was down. His treat.

I raised a brow as i bit some of my broccoli

She laughed nodding her head.

Sarah: Exactly.. I'm never gonna pass up on free food. Plus John's always been more of a laid back guy, kinda weird but mostly just quiet. So i took that as a opportunity to get to know him as a person more outside of work. Maybe he needed to break the ice in a more one on one setting.

I nodded agreeing.

some people are just like that. so that makes since.

"Okay so how did you guys in up in bed together?"

She frown staring at her food for a bit.

Sarah: Don't get me wrong... I'm a fun girl... i like to have fun. I like to go out meet people and just be active. I'm a grown women who can decide whether or not i want to sleep with a man no strings attached. But this.... this is just wrong... idk. I'm not saying he took advantage of me because that wasn't the case. We were both drunk. But had I not been drunk.... I'd never jump in bed with someone like him.. he just isn't my kind of guy.


She nodded...

Sarah: Anyways, he was talking about his life etc... the food was good, i had a few drinks and was slightly buzzed. i knew my limits. But then he stopped talking and stared at me for a while before asking if he could be honest with me... I thought he was going to tell me that he didn't really like his job in our division and wanted to transfer or something. Instead he told me that the real reason he invited me out is because he needed someone to vent to.

I stopped eating and looked up at her


She gave me a look and i knew right away what she was getting at..

From what i know Sarah isn't the best person to vent to....she doesn't really process her emotions like everyone else. Usually venting isn't the problem. It's more so when people trauma dump on her. But in general she isn't really the best person to vent to and she usually doesn't know how to give meaningful advice so it overwhelms her when people come to her for those things specifically

Sarah: yea, so.... I kinda just nodded because i didn't know what to say. I also didn't want to come off as rude and not allow him to vent to me since he was paying for my meal and everything.

"Okay.... well where do i fit in all this? I really don't remember me and John having any issues."

Sarah: he pretty much asked if you were seeing anyone. I told him i wasn't sure but even if you were i probably wouldn't tell him because thats something he should ask you himself. I asked if he was interested in you... if that was the reason behind him asking. He pretty much dodged my question but went on this whole rant about how you never really notice him. even when you two are having conversations he feels that you're never really fully focused on him. Like your mind wonders. But when you talk to over people in the office he can tell you're fully there. He doesn't understand why you never start up any convos with him. And when you do they're only work related. I told him that's not really your thing. usually you aren't even the one to start convos to begin with. But he said that even though that may not be your thing he's witnessed you engage in convos with other's that aren't work related.

I sat back in my seat confused

"Well.... this is weird. why does any of this matter?"

I asked confused

She shrugged

Sarah: I asked the same thing and he kinda just said he wanted to get to know everyone around the office better but it seemed like you didn't like him or maybe he did something to offend you?

"Umm... No. not that i can think of"

Sarah: That's not all... he kept asking about your relationship with some of the guys around the office, even a few of our leads. Like Yoongi and Namjoon. But more specifically Jungkook and Jin. he seemed hell bent on the idea that you guys were friends outside of the office. I've never really known you to hang out with many of us outside the office so i couldn't confirm or deny that.

"Well... i'm not sure I'd call us friends. but i have run into a few of them outside of the office before yea. But they're pretty chill, not overbearing. So I usually don't mind when they continue conversations with me at the office. But i also haven't really gone out of my way to hang out with them either. Why does all this bother John?" 

Sarah: I don't know......I just know he went on and on. I started ordering more drinks. then at one point i told him he needed to loosen up and just drink because he was over reacting. So we just sat there drinking together. it was better than him venting because i didn't know what to say to him.  I don't remember much after that besides waking up in his bed...

I just sat there...

"Wow, i really don't know what to say. Mmmm this is literally so good"

I said eating some more mash potatoes. she started laughing and took another sip from her cup.

Sarah: I figured you'd react this way. But i just had to tell you... all jokes aside... maybe we should keep an eye on him around the office.

Sarah: He seems a bit odd. Im not sure if i'd say dangerous. but we'd never know. The way he talked about you was like you too were close and then you just brushed him off to the side for other men... There's other women in the office. and you literally communicate with them on a daily basis but not once did he bring up them or how you conversate with them. just other men. Maybe he's confused about you guy's relationship

I raised a brow


Sarah: You know... like maybe he was under the impression that you too are good friends or something? but then kinda realized that you don't treat him like a good friend. i guess compared to everyone else so now he's confused

"I literally treat everyone the same..?"

She nodded

Sarah: yea i literally just thought about it and there's no way in hell he could have thought that. I don't know what's up with the guy...

I shrugged and she chuckled continuing to eat from her food. All i could think about was how strange it was that he invited another person from our job out to vent about me as if we had a toxic friendship or something.


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