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There WILL be typos, i don't usually go back and edit chapters. If you see a mistake. No you didn't.

Noelle cleaned up and organized the conference room after a long meeting. She was taking her time. Making sure to not move to fast. She had gotten over her cold but would still get slightly light headed if she did too much.

Jin was checking on her every hour on the hour. Yoongi wouldn't even allow her to drive to work. He made her carpool with him.

She gave him a hard time at first but she did enjoy the car rides and knew that even though he tried to play it off he really enjoyed them as well.

The guys had been catering to her a lot to make sure she was okay. For the most part they did a good job at making it look professional. No one around the office seemed to notice. Well no one but a certain someone who always kept a sharp eye on Noelle and not necessarily in a good way either.

She was wiping down the long table when she heard the door to the conference room open..

She raised her head a bit pausing her swiping motion.

It was John

John: hey I noticed you were moving a bit slower today is everything okay?

She exhaled slowly and nodded. She wasn't even annoyed just trying not to exhaust herself. She was feeling better yes but doing too much to quickly would make her light headed.

John: would you like any help?

Noelle slid the container of clorox wipes across the table before sitting down in one of the chairs.

"Yes pls, I just need to wipe down the rest of the table and the chairs."

He nodded and got to work. This was the only time Noelle had ever felt peace with his presence.

After a while of rest with her eyes closed she heard him speak.

John: by the way.. they don't make you uncomfortable do they?

She opened her eyes to see him on the other side of the table wiping away. She rose a brow slightly.

Noelle: hmm? Who are we referring to?

John: you know.. like the higher ups of the floor and some of the other guys in our division. I feel like they always bombard you and demand your attention

Noelle sat back in her seat realizing what he was talking about.

Noelle: No I'm fine.

John: well you should report them if you ever feel like it's too much. When I first arrived here you seemed so quiet and reserved. They seem to have gotten very comfortable with you and being in your space. I always took you for the kind of person who enjoys being alone. It wouldn't be fair to you if they're pressuring you to over engage with them

Noelle pulled her hand up to rub her temples. Dude was reading way too far into this. That or he was seeing it for what he wanted it to be. Choosing to see it in a way that benefits him.

Before she could respond there was a knock on the glass door and it opened revealing jimin.

They both looked his way. He first noticed John and he game him a tight lipped smile before noticing Noelle sitting in one of thr chairs. He smiled brightly at her

Jimin: hi Ms.Jenkins, the guy in charge would like to see you in his office.

Noelle stood up slowly before speaking

Noelle: Yoongi?

Jimin nodded

Jimin: bingo!

Noelle: okay I'll be right there.

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