Chapter 3

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He closes the door and it helps block the shouting a bit. But just a bit. I can still hear what they are saying.

"It's all her fault," I hear Dad say, "She's the reason I'm fired and why our Natsuki is failing in tests and why your vase broke," Although he didn't say names, I know 'her' is me. And he must have forgot that he threw the coat that broke the vase. As for Natsuki, she's just straight-up stupid: she still believes that she can fly by jumping off somewhere high.

"We should have thrown her away when we had the chance," Mom says bitterly.

"It's not your fault," Hakuto says, shaking his head. Then I hear a noise that sounds like a gunshot. I turn around in alarm and see Dad holding his belt in one hand. Before I can react, the belt has already made contact with my face. It feels like my cheeks have been stripped raw, and I can feel it turning red before I see it. Dad repeatedly brings the belt down on me, and when I cover my face, my back is his next target.

"It's your fault!" He yells as I whimper a bit. The outer-frame of my vision starts blurring up, and I see random sparks of stars everywhere. Then the whipping stops.

"Get out of the way!" Dad roars. I then realize that Hakuto is defending me against Dad. Again. Hakuto must have shook his head because before I know it, I hear a high yelp from Hakuto, along with a slapping noise. I turn around and see Hakuto crouched on the floor, is hand over is reddening face. Dad looks shocked at what he did, and Mom escorts him out.

"You deserved it," Natsuki whispers as she too, leaves the room.

When the room gets quiet, I say in a quiet voice, "I'm sorry... It's my fault... I'm sorry," Apologizing over and over again. Hakuto suddenly puts his hand on my shoulders, and looks up at me.

"It's not your fault," He says before going unconscious. My lips start quivering. Although he says it's not, I know it is my fault. I slowly stand up, and look through Hakuto's drawers. I finally find a small cutter-knife, and bring it close to my throat. Mom and Dad would surely be nicer to Hakuto if I wasn't here. I feel around my neck for the scar, and place the edge of the cutter-knife on it. With a swift move, I cut the side of my neck. Or so I tried. The blade was blocked my an object, causing me to stop. I drop the cutter-knife and feel around the blood-covered wound. The manage to pry the object out of my neck, and see a black device.

"Oh," I say with realization. This is how Mom and Dad know where I am at all the time. A location tracker. I put the device in my pocket, deciding that I would keep it around.

(493 words)

At first chapter 2 and 3 was just one chapter, but i just made it two separate ones cuz why not (it was getting too long)

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