Chapter 58

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One by one, the images show a person hurriedly brought into a room. Tens of metal tools and advanced devices wait for them inside, along with people wearing surgical gowns.

"No, no, no," The Spirit takes small steps backward as his eyes start to tremble. I notice in relief that Inumaki is not in the Domain.

Multiple doctors surround the bleeding patient. A piercing scream suddenly rings around the room as the doctors slowly start cutting off their limbs.

Meanwhile, the eyeballs that I saw before appear on the floor near the Spirit. A stab of pain sparks in my eyes.

"F*ck, not again..." I mutter as the pupils of the eyeballs start glowing brightly, with Cursed Energy pouring out of them. I clenched my eyes shut as I felt thick liquid forming at the corner of my eyes. I feel the blood roll down my cheeks and drip off my chin, leaving behind a burning sensation.

In the background, I hear the screams of the people in the images and from the Spirit itself. I guess the eyeballs are doing their work. The pain at the back of my eyes still lingers on, and by now, I just want to rip them out. I hear my own breathing get louder as everything loses focus.

"Heh... you're hurting too..." The Spirit mocks weakly. I peek open my eyes a bit, ignoring the sudden jolt of pain. The Spirit is grasping his torso, which is filled with holes from the lasers.

"...what do you mean?" I straightened up, flinching a bit, trying to prove that I was okay. I smirk at him, eyes open. I can barely see anymore, with the blood covering most of my eyesight. But I don't need the Spirit to know this weakness of expanding a Domain.

My hands casually move behind my back, and my right arm clenches my left wrist. Trying to hold back screams, I dig my fingers into the thin skin, blood seeping through my fingernails. I continue to try and look peaceful, smiling slightly as I pretend nothing hurts.

"Don't hide it," The Spirit breaths out, "I see... the blood," His gaze locks onto the trails of blood on my face.

"That? That's nothing..." I shake it off, then glare up at the Spirit, "You look like the one dying here,"

"Heh..." He says, turning to face me again as he pulls his arm back in a swift motion. Suddenly, I find myself soaring through the air, towards the Spirit. I catch a glimpse of a thin strand of silver sparkling in the air: A string of Cursed Energy. He must have connected it to me beforehand.

"The f*ck?!" I manage to yell before the Spirit performs a headlock on me. 

The sudden movement creates a tsunami of agony in my head, hitting the back of my eyes. Random stars appear around my vision. I scrunch up my face in disgust as his bloody, hole-filled, arm stays on my neck, just below my chin. His other still hasn't regenerated from the bullet I shot earlier.

The Spirt whispers in a low voice, staring at the glowing eyeballs, the end of their gaze locked onto him, "Hit me... and you'll hit her too,"

At his words, the glow slowly disappears from the eyeballs, and they start crawling around again.

"Just fire," I order the eyes weakly, my head bursting with pain.

"You sure?" The Spirit's grip on me tightens as the glow returns to the eyeballs, "I'll give you one last chance..."

I take in a sharp breath as I command in a firmer voice, "fire,"

(586 words)


sry its a bit boring

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